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Seton Hall University

New Member Education Guidelines

New Member Education/Intake is a time where new members of an organization are introduced to the chapter and its members. New Members will be taught the history, values, ideals, standards of the chapter and challenged to develop their leadership skills. The New Member Education/Intake program should be a positive experience that promotes learning, development,and friendship. Below are some expectations and guidelines each chapter should follow when developing and implementing their New Member/Intake Plan. Please keep in mind that your organization's New Member/Intake program must also be approved by your inter/national organization.

The New Member Education Period for Fall 2022 will begin on Monday, September 19th with all initiation/crossing ceremonies completed no later than Friday, November 18th.

Seton Hall University Non-Hazing Policy

New Member Education Guidelines

The New Member Education Process should be a POSITIVE experience:

  • All Events must take place within a 6 week timeline unless given specific authorization by the Office of Student Engagement.
  • All New Member Education may take place in-person, virtually or hybrid using Microsoft Teams. In-person activities are permitted with approval from the Office of Student Engagement as well as in accordance with HQ risk management and HICT updates/guidance.
  • No New Member Education events can take place when the University is closed including closings for inclement weather, University/National Holidays, or breaks. This includes October 10th and October 11th for Fall Break.
  • New Member Education can only take place when Seton Hall University classes are in session for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • NME should not take place for more than 5 days/nights of the week.
  • Event times should be appropriate and intake/education calendars must be approved before any activity can take place.
  • ALL events must be outlined in the calendar you submit to the Office of Student Engagement and your National HQ.
  • All Events listed must include:
    • Date
    • Time
    • Location (if virtual, please provide name of the platform)
    • Contact information of chapter members involved in NME and a brief description.
  • No overnight activities are allowed. 
  • No required new member activities may be scheduled which conflict with academic commitments.
  • No alcohol shall be present at ANY new member program, activity, or ritual of the chapter.
  • Hazing is prohibited; please visit our website to see the University’s Policy on hazing.

*Please note that hazing is not only a violation of SHU policy, but also against New Jersey state law.

Click here to view a PDF version of the New Member Education Guidelines. »

If you have any questions, please contact:
Samantha DeMarse 
Assistant Director of Student Leadership
[email protected]