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Buccino Leadership Institute

Magazine Lays Groundwork for 'Building High-Performance Teams' - Seton Hall University

In the Lead Spring 2023 coverThere is an old adage: A fist is stronger than five fingers. So is a team rather than individuals. 

A team is the most basic building block of an organization. An organization’s success depends on the performance of its teams — individually and collectively. 

So, how do you build a high performing team? "That is the question tackled in the fifth issue of In The Lead," said Magazine Editor and Management Instructor Ruchin Kansal, M.B.A. "The magazine itself is a product of great teamwork." In his Letter from the Editor, Kansal writes, "The secret to our team’s success? A shared commitment to producing a high-quality product, transparency, trust, communication, appreciation and pride in what we are doing."

Included in the Spring 2023 issue are perspectives from entrepreneurs, C-suite executives and a medical director, as well as the lessons learned at Seton Hall’s Buccino Leadership Institute. "We share lessons from the perspective of highly successful entrepreneurs, from the work of highly successful business leaders, and from the ivory tower," states Kansal in his Letter. "The message is consistent: it takes vision, it takes a common purpose, it takes trust and it takes a servant-leader mindset."

There is also now a dedicated web presence for the magazine. This issue — and all previous issues — can be accessed at  

In this issue:

"Collective Effort"
Assembling a high-performing team requires more than just a group of talented people. It requires finding those with both emotional and social intelligence along with the right skill set.
By Kathie Stuart

"Extraordinary Teamwork"
The key to creating high-performing teams is bringing together a varied group of people with diverse perspectives.
By Sheri L. Feinzig

"In the Lead with Shail Jain"
A conversation with a leader in technology and data leader in the life sciences, healthcare, financial services and communications industries.
By The Editors

"Five Principles of Building High-Performing Teams"
Business leaders should seek people who are highly motivated to tackle challenges and work for a purpose.
By Ed Cox

"Leadership Lessons"
To lead a high-performance team you need to work alongside team members in the trenches.
By Rishi Mehta

"In the Crucible"
Both individual effort and working as a team mean getting things done more efficiently, and with better outcomes.
By Z. Colette Edwards

"In Focus"
Jillian Swogier ’11/’17 J.D. advises getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Stepping outside of your comfort zone.
is difficult, but necessary.

"Case Study"
There is more to just reading and talking about leadership — you have to do it. Students seek to gain experience with interdisciplinary teams.
By Elizabeth Halpin And Bryan C. Price

"Book Review"
In Value(s): Building a Better World for All, teams must ultimately choose values appropriate for the mission.
Reviewed By Paula Alexander And Stephen Wood

Categories: Alumni, Education