Catholic Studies Major Business School 2016 Pirates Pitch Winner
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Pirates Pitch Venture is the Stillman School of Business version of Shark Tank. Christian
Zeron will receive $6,000 award, plus legal, marketing and other business services,
to grow his business for his 1st place winner award and an additional $500 for the
most popular finalist business idea "Audience Choice" award. Pirates Pitch is the
annual Seton Hall University Venture Fund Competition. Sponsored by the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies in the Stillman School of Business, the competition encourages student teams to dream up an idea for a business, or,
if a student already has started a business, then an idea to expand that fledgling
business. The student teams then pitch that idea to a panel of judges comprised of
successful entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. To read more click here »
"Christian is an outstanding young man and he is a credit to the Catholic Studies
program and SHU," said Susan A. Scherreik M.B.A., founding director of the Center
for Entrepreneurial Studies in the Department of Management at the Stillman School
of Business.
Prof. Scherreik agrees, "In the area of entrepreneurship, I can see synergy between
Catholic Studies and the field of social entrepreneurship. That would involve bringing
entrepreneurial skills and strategies to helping to solve social problems. I can see
some hands-on projects in this area," said Susan A. Scherreik MBA.
About the Department of Catholic Studies
Established in 2012-- the Year of Faith and the 50th anniversary of the opening of
Vatican II -- the Department of Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University, America's
oldest diocesan university, fosters Seton Hall's Catholic identity and mission by
exploring the relationship of Catholicism with all areas of culture and learning.
Since its focus is the Church's encounter and dialogue with society or the Church
in the world, Vatican II designated a special place for Catholic Studies as a discipline
in academic life. As a result, Catholic Studies is a dialogue between Catholicism
and culture that occurs in a special way at Catholic universities. While respecting
other disciplines, Catholic Studies explores theology and philosophy in relation to
culture, humankind and the world. This methodological approach opens up a place for
all other disciplines; these enrich Catholic Studies and are enriched in return.
For more information, please contact Gloria Aroneo M.B.A. or (973)-275-2808.