The Chesterton Review Announces the Publication of its Spring/Summer 2021 Issue-vol. 47 - Seton Hall University
Thursday, June 3, 2021
"Chesterton's versatility would have enabled him to adapt. What was G.K.'s Weekly, after all, if not an early version of a podcast? Like the modern blogger with things to say but unwilling or unable to say them on platforms other than his own, Chesterton detached himself from the "mainstream media" and spoke directly to a community he had himself helped to create. If he seemed an old-fashioned figure in the 1920s, more Victorian and Edwardian than Georgian, he could still cock a snook at monopolies, trusts, the long-established gatekeepers of acceptable opinion. He would certainly have found a way, as have his admirers today, of navigating the large and turbulent waters of the internet. If not, he would have disappeared without trace. This issue of the Review hopes to mimic some of that Chestertonian versatility by gathering a set of articles that pay tribute both to his range of interests and to the variety of forms in which he explored them. " - Dermot Quinn, Editor, The Chesterton Review
This new issue of The Chesterton Review includes an Introduction by Dermot Quinn, pieces by G. K. Chesterton, Maurice Baring, George MacDonald and Hilaire Belloc. Articles by Karl Schmude, Vitus Ntube, Geir Hasnes, Dermot Quinn, Tobin Cleary, Peter Welsh and Anthony Tokarz. Book Reviews by Thomas Stock, James McGlone and Father Lawrence Porter as well as Film Reviews by Jorge Iglesias. Numerous "News & Comments" items from a variety of sources, as well as Letters and Photo Galleries.
For more information about The Chesterton Review and to subscribe, please visit their website or email: [email protected] or contact the Editorial Office at 973.275.2431 – e-mail [email protected].
Categories: Arts and Culture, Education, Faith and Service