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College of Nursing

Ph.D. Dissertations

  • Theresa Bucco
    The Relationships between patients’ perceptions of nurse caring behaviors, nurses’ perceptions of nurse caring behaviors and patient satisfaction in the emergency department
  • Mary Jo Bugel
    "Out of the Mouths of Sibs"... A Phenomenological Study of the Experience of Being a Well School-Age Sibling of a Child with a Traumatic Injury
  • Mary Ellen Clyne
    Connective Leadership: The Chief Nursing Officers' Relationship with Staff Nurses
  • Kimberly Conway
    The Experience of Adult Children Caregiving for Aging Parents
  • Jeannie Couper
    Exploration of the Relationships Between and Among Role Strain, Faculty Stress, and Organizational Support for Clinical Nurse Faculty Faced with Decisions to Assign a Failing Grade
  • Jane Defazio
    Teaching Compassionate Care: Nurse Educators’ Perspectives
  • Christine Denhup
    The Lived Experience of Parental Bereavement
  • Erin Dooley
    The Experience of Close, Non-Spousal Relationships of Women with Breast Cancer: A Journey of Support
  • Patricia Gibbons
    The Lived Experience of Chemo Brain in Early Stage Breast Cancer in Women 50 and Under
  • Lisa Heelan
    Exploring the Relationships of Power, Attitudes Regarding Intermittent Fetal Monitoring, and Perceived Barriers to Research Utilization with a Labor and Delivery Nurse’s Attitude toward Patient Advocacy
  • Millie Hepburn
    The Relationships between Health Literacy, Self-Efficacy and Readiness for Change to Health Promotion Behaviors in Urban Black Women
  • Kate Hinic
    The Relationship Among Perceived Stress, Birth Satisfaction and Breastfeeding Self-efficacy in Early Postpartum Women
  • Connie Kartoz
    The Relationship between Intergenerational Solidarity and Medication Adherence in Community Dwelling Elders 
  • Deborah Kennard
    Emergency Room Nurses Knowledge of and Experience with Health Literacy and their Patient Teaching Methods
  • Barbara Kitchener
    Exploring the Relationships Between and Among Registered Nurses’ Spiritual Well-Being, Spiritual Care Perspectives, and their Provision of Spiritual Care in Acute Care Settings
  • Kathleen Leo
    The Experience of Forgiving in the Marital Relationship
  • Sheila Linz
    Facilitating Social Integration for People with Severe Mental Illness
  • Maria LoGrippo
    The Relationship of Perceived Trust and Perceived Stress Among Pregnant Women Receiving Care From a Certified Nurse Midwife
  • Susan Martello-Gill
    The Experience of Being a Parent of a Transgender Adolescent
  • Debra Messinger
    Resilience and Coping in the Adolescent and Young Adult with Type I Diabetes
  • Patricia O’Keefe
    Relationships Between and Among the Power of Self-Care Agency, Perceived Structural Empowerment and Psychological Empowerment in Nurse Managers in Acute Care Hospitals with Magnet Designation
  • Lynda Olender
    Nurse Manager Caring and Workplace Bullying in Nursing the Relationship between Staff Nurses' Perceptions of Nurse Manager Caring Behaviors and Their Perception of Exposure to Workplace Bullying within Multiple Healthcare Settings
  • Patti Ricci-Allegra
    Spiritual Perspective, Mindfulness, and Spiritual Care Practices of Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses
  • Adena Romeo
    An Investigation into the Prevalence of and Relationships Among Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, Compassion Satisfaction, and Self-Transcendence in Oncology Nurses
  • Maureen Schneider
    An Investigation of the Relationships Between and Among Power, Trust and Job Satisfaction of Nurse Managers in Acute Care Hospitals Using Rogers Science of Unitary Human Beings
  • Patricia Sciscione
    The Experience of Having Primary Caregiving Responsibilities for an Adult Sibling with Down Syndrome
  • Connie Sensor
    Health-Related Beliefs, Practices, and Experiences of Migrant Dominicans in the Northeastern United States
  • Kristi Stinson
    The Ties that Bind the Relationships between and among Registered Nurses' Clinical Experience, Clinical Decision-making Processes, and Nursing Practice Issues Related to Physical Restraint Use with Attitudes Toward the Use of Physical Restraints in the Critical Care Environment
  • Lisa Summers-Gibson
    Woman with Type II Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetes Self-care, Diabetes Time Management, and Diabetes Distress
  • Munira Wells
    The Experiences of Indian Nurses in America
  • Lori Wilt
    The Relationship Among School Nurse Student Ratios, Self-efficacy for Type 1 Diabetes Management and Glycemic Control in Adolescents 
  • Kathleen Zavotsky
    Exploring the Relationship Between Moral Distress and Coping in Emergency Nursing

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