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College of Nursing

D.N.P. Scholarly Projects

Teresa ConklinTeresa Conklin
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention Program in a University Health Service Inappropriate alcohol consumption poses an enormous threat to the physical, social, and economic well-being of the American public. Young adults, specifically college students, are at particularly high risk for alcohol misuse. Students who visit Seton Hall University Health Services for routine health care are an ideal group to engage in alcohol screening and education. The purpose of this project is to introduce and evaluate an alcohol screening and brief intervention program in a college health center in an effort to raise awareness, provide information and offer strategies for cutting down on alcohol misuse to students who are at risk for hazardous drinking behaviors.

Stacey CuomoStacey Cuomo
Implementation of an Opioid Risk Assessment Tool
The increased prevalence of opioid use in society has led to an increase in surgical patients with a history of such use. Patients who use or are addicted to opioids have different tolerances and responses to anesthesia than non-opioid users and will require different care than non-users both pre- and post-operatively. The means to identify this population prior to a surgical procedure is needed as a way to organize, plan and manage patient care during the perioperative period. An Opioid Risk Assessment Tool (ORAT) was used as a way to streamline the process of identifying these patients. This paper addresses the development, implementation and execution of this quality improvement project, along with the screening results of pre-surgical patients.

Moira KendraMoira Kendra
An APN led COPD Discharge Education Program to Decrease 30-Day Readmission Rates he purpose of this project was to implement an APN-led COPD discharge education program to decrease 30-day readmission rates. This DNP project combined strategies obtained in the literature search and blended these into a cutting-edge and state-of-the-art discharge education program at a major medical center. The significance of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) readmission rates include financial implications, a large number of Medicare patients who return to the hospital within 30 days, poor quality of patient care, and poorly coordinated discharge processes.

Viktoryia Fridman
The Effectiveness of Nurse-Driven Early Mobility Protocol
The purpose of this quality initiative is to introduce the nurse-driven evidence-based practice change related to patient mobility in the hospital setting with the aim to improve nurse knowledge, attitude, and behavior on a medical-surgical unit. The proposed DNP quality project is devised from the American Academy of Nursing (AAN) Choosing Wisely campaign unique to the elements of "don't let older adults lay in bed or only get up to a chair during their hospital stay" to achieve a practice change.

Eunide Joseph
Promoting Newborn Skin-to-Skin Contact to Increase Breastfeeding Initiation and Exclusivity in Cesarean Deliveries
Literature has documented when a mother elects to breastfeed, she offers herself and her baby with many short and long-term wellness and health benefits. Therefore, maternal child healthcare providers should be prompted to scale up breastfeeding practices that promote lactation. Skin-to-skin contact (SSC) is underutilized, yet a cost-effective incentive to promote successful breastfeeding. Traditional postnatal assessments lead to the precipitous disconnect of the mother-baby dyad resulting in delayed SSC and breastfeeding initiation. To promote early newborn maternal and/or paternal SSC through nursing education and clinical practice poster reminder to increase breastfeeding initiation and the at discharge exclusivity rate in uncomplicated cesarean deliveries.

Benson Kahiu
Implementation of Change of Shift Huddles in an Urban Medical Center
Since 1999 when the Institute of Medicine (IOM) highlighted medical errors in hospitals, healthcare leaders continue to pursue relevant and sustainable patient safety initiatives. Some of these initiatives include projects that increase accountability while encouraging enhanced teamwork and communication between team members. The lack of consistent communication results in decreased patient outcomes and patient dissatisfaction. Decreased camaraderie in organizations, results in fiscal waste associated with employee tardiness and callouts. This paper reviews the process and impact of implementing change of shift huddles in an urban medical center. 

  • Maureen Byrnes
    Implementing a mHealth program within a homeless population of young mothers 
  • Ekaterina Boutos
    Improving Health Outcomes and Lifestyle Choices in an Underserved Community through the Implementation of a Wellness Program 
  • Colleen Carrington
    Perinatal Health Education Intervention Program for Adolescent and Young Adult Pregnant Homeless Women Living in Transitional Housing
    Best Practice Teaching Intervention Program for Staff Responsible for Care of the Mother-Baby Dyad
  • Katherine Connolly
    A Quality Improvement Initiative Aimed at Reducing Complications Related to IV Fluid Administration in the Acute Care Setting 
  • Cecilia Cortina
    Safety Culture and Fall Prevention: A Collaborative Effort 
  • Rebecca Couper
    Watchful Waiting and Antibiotic Stewardship: A quality Improvement Project 
  • Linda D’Antonio
    Quality Improvement Initiative Aimed at Reducing Catheter-associated Infections in the Surgical Setting 
  • Marie A. Fagan
    Early Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in the Emergency Department 
  • Shantha Franks
    Transitional Care To Reduce 30-Day Heart Failure Readmissions Among The Long-Term Care Elderly Population 
  • Seana Friedman
    Can Standardizing Clinical Management Through CABG Clinical Pathways Reduce the LOS of CABG Patients, Increase Patient Satisfaction and Decrease Hospital Acquired Infections? 
  • Lisa Maria Friedrich
    Improving Patient Care Outcomes to Reduce Recurrent Admissions of Patients Discharged With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 
  • Patricia Hansen
    Antibiotic Resistance: Use of Delayed Prescriptions for Viral Syndromes in Urgent Care
  • Ivonne Guzman
    Caring for the Bereaved Mother
  • Patricia Hubert
    Implementation of Jean Watson’s Theory of Transpersonal Caring in a Pain Center
  • Margaret Huryk
    A Patient-Centered Care Staff Education Project in Long-Term Care to Reduce Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
  • Patricia James
    What are the Nurse’s Perception of the Effectiveness of the Electronic Go-Jo Monitoring System on Hand Hygiene Compliance and Hospital Acquired Infections?
  • Benay Johnson
    Increasing Neonatal Resuscitation Readiness
  • Kathleen Livolsi
    Implementing Delayed Bathing in Community Hospital Setting
  • Mary McDermott
    Debriefing with Good Judgment: Best Practice for Reflective Learning in Simulation in Pre-Licensure Nursing Education
  • Luis Medina
    Effects of an Alcohol Education Program on Improving Knowledge, Attitudes and Satisfaction of Registered Nurses Caring for Patients Undergoing Alcohol Withdrawal
  • Patricia Clark Pappas
    Implementation of a Wellness Program to Address Health Disparities in a Vulnerable Population
  • Varsha Singh
    Stroke Clinical Orders Pathway Education (SCOPE) for APNs
  • Kristine Bayot Sparks
    Initiating a Bystander awareness Program at a State University
  • Stephen Stoever
    Accuracy of RN Visual Quantification of Emesis Volumes in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  • Christine Tevlin
    Competency Guide for Intrathecal Nurses
  • Aileen T. Twomey
    The Patient-Centered Medical Home Model: Maintaining Patient Focus, Meeting the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Triple Aim, and Incorporating the Electronic Medical Record
  • Clare Wisor
    Increasing Compliance of Bar Code Medication Administration  in the Emergency Room

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