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Seton Hall University

Bicycle Policy


Seton Hall University promotes the use of bicycles as an alternative means of transportation supporting the University’s goals for a more sustainable campus. This policy establishes responsibilities and procedures to ensure pedestrian safety, proper operation, and enforcement of bicycles on campus, as well as parking regulations.


This policy applies to SHU faculty, staff, students, and visitors to the main campus.


All persons operating a bicycle on university property are required to comply with all applicable New Jersey State Statutes, university policies, and all traffic control devices. All bicycles must be secured to an approved bicycle rack. Bicycles that are not secured to an approved bicycle rack will be confiscated by Public Safety. On the roadway bicyclists must obey all the laws of vehicular traffic. Pedestrians have the right of way and bicyclists on pathways and sidewalks must be careful of and courteous to pedestrians.

Use on Roadways, Pathways, and Sidewalks

Bicycles are permitted on all roadways, as well as concrete and asphalt pathways, and sidewalks, with the exception of times when there is heavy pedestrian traffic on sidewalks and pathways. Bicyclists, in times of heavy pedestrian traffic (when sidewalks and pathways are congested such as class change) shall dismount completely and walk. Bicyclists are encouraged to dismount at crosswalks. Use of bicycles for tricks, including but not limited to: wheelies; jumps; use on stairs, benches, or handrails; or any use other than transportation, is prohibited. Additionally, bicycle use is not permitted in parking garages; the rider must dismount before entering the garage.


Community members and visitors are required to register their bicycles with Parking Services, which is located in Duffy Hall room 63. Registration is designed to prevent theft and assist with the recovery of stolen bicycles. Community members and visitors will be given a registration sticker, free of cost, which must be prominently displayed on the seat tube section of the bicycle’s frame (see image page 2). Bicycles found on campus without a registration sticker will be confiscated by Public Safety*.

Violation of Policy

Bicycle Parking

Bicycles must never be secured to light poles, benches or trees as this practice is not only unsightly but has the potential to damage university property. Bicycles must be secured to an approved bicycle rack. Bicycles that are not secured to an approved bicycle rack will be confiscated by Public Safety. Confiscation incurs a $25 storage and recovery fee. Reimbursements will NOT be issued for locks removed or cut during the confiscation process. Public Safety is not responsible for any damages that occur during the confiscation or storage process. If confiscated items are not retrieved by the owner within thirty days (30), they will be disposed in accordance with university policy. Community members may not leave bicycles attached to bicycle racks beyond the end of the semester. Any bike left after the end of the semester will be confiscated

Bicycle Operation

Bicyclists who operate the bicycle improperly on campus shall be subject to a summons and a fine of $25. Repeat offenders may be subjected to the revocation of their bicycle registration

*Signs will be posted at each bicycle rack informing cyclist of the University's registration requirements.

Responsible Offices

  • Department of Public Safety and Security
  • Division of Student Services



Effective Date

March 11th, 2013