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Seton Hall University

Missing Resident Student Notification


In compliance with the Higher Education Re-Authorization Act of 2008, the purpose of this policy is to provide the procedures for reporting, investigating and making emergency notifications regarding any resident student of Seton Hall University who is believed to be missing.


University Policy



A resident student is presumed to be missing when his/her absence is inconsistent with his/her established patterns of behavior and the deviation cannot be readily explained. Before presuming that a person is missing, reasonable measures should be taken to determine whether or not the person is at their off-campus place of residence or whether or not anyone familiar with the person has seen or heard from the person recently or is aware of their whereabouts.

Any member of the University community, including employees and students, who is concerned that a resident student is missing, should contact the Office of Public Safety &Security, (973) 761-9300, or the Office of the Dean of Students, (973) 761-9076, as soon as it is determined that the resident student is missing as defined above. 

In an emergency, the South Orange Police Department should be contacted immediately by dialing 911 or (973) 763-3000.

Designation by Resident Student of Emergency or Confidential Contact Person

1. A resident student is any student residing in a University operated residential facility under a University housing license agreement.

2. All resident students are required to provide emergency contact information as part of the check in process to any such residential facility.

3. Whenever a student moves to another University residential facility, the student will be required to again supply emergency contact information upon check in to that residential facility.

4. In the event a resident student is reported missing, the emergency contact will be notified.

5. A resident student may elect to register a confidential contact who will also be notified in the event the resident student is reported missing.

6. All resident students are advised in their housing license agreements that they have the option of identifying a confidential contact.

7. A resident student may register a confidential contact through the Housing Profile in PirateNet.

8. Only authorized campus officials, as part of their responsibilities, and law enforcement officers in furtherance of a missing person investigation, may have access to emergency contact or confidential contact information.

Investigating Missing Student

Any report of a missing student will be immediately referred to the Office of Public Safety and fully investigated by appropriate University personnel under the coordination of the Office of the Vice President for Student Services. 

Informing Emergency or Confidential Contact Person

Unless the student is located, the Office of the Dean of Students will inform the emergency contact, the confidential contact (if one has been registered), the custodial parent or guardian and the South Orange Police Department or other appropriate law enforcement agencies, within 24 hours of receiving a missing student report. 


The Vice President for Student Services is authorized to make further amendments to this policy. 

Responsible Offices

  • Department of Housing and Residence Life
  • Department of Public Safety and Security
  • Division of Student Services



By President Esteban on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet on June 1, 2013

Revised August 1, 2015.

Effective Date

June 1st, 2013