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Seton Hall University

Student Protest Policy


This policy outlines the expectations for, and obligations of, any student planning or holding a protest or other public demonstration on property owned or controlled by the University ("University Property").


This policy applies to any student protest or other public demonstration.



A student planning a protest or other public demonstration on University Property must contact the Dean of Students office (973-761-9076) for information, guidance and permission. A Student Protest Application must be submitted to the Dean of Students office for review and approval at least five calendar days before a protest or demonstration is expected to occur. No student protest or other public demonstration shall occur on University Property without prior authorization from the Dean of Students. This includes, but is not limited to, any public meeting, gathering or activity to express views, disagreement, or support regarding a given subject such as a march, parade, protest, picketing, or sit-ins.  

The University is committed to academic freedom and civil discourse. A student protest or other public demonstration may be permitted so long as it is peaceful, non-obstructive and respectful of the University's Catholic mission and the rights of other students, faculty, employees and University guests. Accordingly, no action may endanger the safety or security of the University community, infringe upon the rights of members of the community, obstruct access to University facilities or spaces, damage property, disrupt normal University operations, or otherwise violate applicable laws or University policies.

The University reserves the right to designate the time, manner, and appropriate areas for protests or other public demonstrations on University Property. No student protest or other public demonstration will be permitted to occur overnight on University Property. The directives of University officials must be followed at all times.

Disruptive conduct on University property is prohibited and will subject the violators to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate, interim suspension pending hearing and/or expulsion from the University in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Student Code of Conduct. Disruptive conduct includes, but is not limited, to the following:

  1. INTERFERING with University operations, activities, and/or events, including the rights and activities of other students, faculty, employees, and/or University guests.
  2. PREVENTING access to or egress from offices, building or other University property in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and University policy.
  3. FAILING to comply with the directions of University officials and/or local and state officials, including directions to leave a facility or space.
  4. CREATING the threat of physical harm to persons or damage to University Property or invading the personal space of other students, faculty, employees, and/or University guests.
  5. EXCEEDING building and/or reasonable outdoors site capacities as determined by the University.
  6. EXCEEDING noise levels and/or interfering with or disrupting University operations and activities, including the rights and activities of other students, faculty, employees, and/or University guests.

In general, a protest or other public demonstration inside a University building, by its very nature, would be disruptive to the occupants of the building and thus will not be permitted.

Any students engaging in disruptive or disorderly conduct, failing to comply with the directions of a University official, or otherwise violating this Policy, the Student Code of Conduct or any other University policy, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to an including immediate, interim suspension pending hearing and/or expulsion from the University, and/or criminal charges.

Participation in a student protest or other public demonstration is restricted to members of the University community. Individuals who are not members of the University community will be instructed to leave campus and are subject to criminal charges.

Related Resources

Responsible Offices

Division of Student Services



Initially adopted and approved on August 17, 2017 and amended on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet.

Effective Date

August 17th, 2017 First Amended: January 10, 2019

Amended: November 2, 2021