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Seton Hall University

Technology Purchase Policy for Seton Hall University


The Department of Information Technology supports University owned technology equipment, software, and peripherals in ways that ensure an efficient, cost effective, reliable and secure computing for the campus community.  All departments are responsible for making technology purchases that are accessible, sustainable, secure, and compatible with existing technology systems and services

In general, departments do not require prior approval from University IT Services for technology purchases unless (a) the purchased equipment, software, or peripherals require a change in the configuration to campus networks, systems, or services, or, (b) the technology purchase requires contract approval or exceeds $10,000. The purchase of any computer equipment, software or peripherals that requires a change to the configuration of existing technology systems must have prior review and approval by the Department of Information Technology.


This policy covers all University employees.




Any technology purchase (a) over $10,000, or (b) that includes a contract that requires legal review must have an IT architecture and an IT security review completed prior to the purchase order being issued or the contract being signed. An IT Project Request must be submitted. Approved project requests will be prioritized, assigned a project manager within IT to work with the department making the purchase.

Most modern computers and other wireless computing devices (such as cell phones, Internet tablets, and the like) that adhere to the University’s current wireless networking standard should connect to the campus network without any network configuration changes. 

Any computer servers, equipment or peripherals that are configured with multiple user accounts generally require changes to the campus network configuration and require an IT security review and approval prior to purchase (note this requirement holds whether or not the multiple accounts are administered and maintained by the purchasing department).

Any computer equipment, software or peripherals that interact with the University’s administrative or financial systems (e.g. Banner, Canvas, or Raisers Edge) or the University’s network authentication systems (e. g.  Active Directory or LDAP) will require configuration changes to existing systems and will require an IT architecture and IT security review prior to purchase. All projects that require Banner integration should have full integration provided by the vendor, or contracted through Ellucian or another third-party business partner. The Department of Information Technology may assist with integrations that are ready to adapt. The vendor is liable for creating the integration with the University’s administrative or financial systems.

Any computer equipment or peripherals that require nonstandard network services or that have the potential to interfere with existing network equipment will require network configuration changes and an IT security review and approval prior to purchase.  

Many small office / home office and consumer devices, such as consumer-grade wireless network access points, network hubs, printers or multifunction office machines (printer/copier/fax machines) contain network servers and are not designed to connect to the campus network.  Such devices are not supported by the existing campus network configuration and should not be purchased. 

Related Policies

Responsible Offices

  • Department of Human Resources
  • Department of Information Technology
  • Office of General Counsel
  • Office of the Provost



This policy was approved by Dr. Mary Meehan, Interim President, on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet, on May 9, 2019.

Effective Date

May 9th, 2019