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Seton Hall University

University Housing Policy


Seton Hall University provides housing for undergraduate and graduate students, certain University employees who are required to live in University housing in connection with their employment responsibilities, resident priests and others.  The purpose of this policy is to set forth the rights and responsibilities of those granted the privilege of University housing.


This is a University-wide policy.


Academic year.  Begins on the Thursday prior to the first day of classes and expires on the last day of the spring exam period or 24 hours after the resident student’s last exam, whichever is earlier. 

AVPs.  The Associate Vice President for Facilities Engineering and Business Affairs and the Associate Vice President for Public Safety and Security.

Director.  The Director of Housing and Residence Life.

Reside.  Occupying University housing in excess of fifteen (15) days in any twenty one (21) day period.


A student shall be between the ages of 17 and 24 years of age in order to reside in University housing. A student under the age of 17 is required to provide the Director with a signed parental consent form and obtain the written approval of the Director.  A student over the age of 24 is required to have the written approval of the Director.

2.  Any person residing in University housing, including all students, employees of Housing and Residence Life whose employment requires them to live in University housing, all priests, missionaries, members of religious orders and seminarians, is required to sign a housing license agreement prior to occupying University housing.    

3.  When applying for housing, students, except for seminarians residing in Lewis Hall, will automatically and electronically agree to the terms and conditions of the housing license agreement.  

4.  Students, except for seminarians residing in Lewis Hall, are provided with housing for one Academic Year in accordance with the housing license agreement.  Resident students participating in May Commencement may remain in their assigned room until 10 a.m. on the morning following Commencement. 

5.  All persons residing in University owned housing are required to comply with all housing and residence life policies and procedures,, and all other University policies and procedures,, including but not limited to, University policies regarding sexual harassment, discrimination, assault, misconduct, retaliation and the duty to report suspected child abuse. These policies can be found at, and

6.  All persons residing in University owned housing are required to complete mandatory compliance training, University training on Title IX, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation and the duty to report suspected child abuse, all as scheduled and directed by the University, and complete all required certifications related to such training.  Failure to do so may result in expulsion from University housing.


Lewis Hall and St. Andrews Hall

a.  It is the responsibility of the Rector/Dean and Rector to ensure that housing license agreements are signed by all priests and seminarians prior to occupying University housing.  Copies of all housing license agreements are to be provided to the Director of Housing and Residence Life (“Director”).

b.  The Rector/Dean and Rector, or their designees, shall provide the Associate Vice President for Facilities Engineering and Business Affairs (“AVP for Facilities”), the Associate Vice President for Public Safety and Security (collectively “AVPs”), and the Director with the names, housing room assignments and other requested information for all seminarians and priests and shall update the AVPs and the Director whenever there is a new seminarian or priest residing in Lewis Hall or St. Andrews Hall or a change in residency status of a seminarian or priest.  The Rector/Dean and Rector, or their designees, shall be responsible for the return of completed Apartment/Room Condition Reports to the AVP for Facilities and Director. 

Priests Residing Outside of Lewis Hall

a.  It is the responsibility of the Minister to the Priest Community to ensure that housing license agreements are signed by all priests residing in University housing, other than Lewis Hall, prior to occupying such housing.  Copies of all housing license agreements are to be provided to the Director.

b.  The Minister to the Priest Community shall provide the AVPs and the Director with the names, housing room assignments and other requested information for all priests residing in University housing outside of Lewis Hall and shall update the AVPs and the Director whenever there is a new priest residing in such housing or a change in residency status of a priest.  The Assistant to the Priest Community shall also be responsible for the return of completed Apartment/Room Condition Reports to the AVP for Facilities and the Director.

Missionaries and Members of Other Religious Orders

a.  It is the responsibility of the Director of Campus Ministry to ensure that housing license agreements are signed by all missionaries of St. Paul’s Outreach, FOCUS seminarians and members of any other religious order, prior to occupying University housing. 

b.  The Director of Campus Ministry, or his designee, shall provide the AVPs and Director with the names, housing room assignments and other requested information for all missionaries of St. Paul’s Outreach, FOCUS seminarians and members of any other religious order residing in University housing and shall update the AVPs and Director whenever there is a new missionary, FOCUS seminarian or member of any religious order seeking to reside in University housing or a change in residency status of any such missionary, FOCUS seminarian or member.  The Director of Campus Ministry, or his designee, shall also be responsible for the return of completed Apartment/Room Condition Reports to the AVP for Facilities and the Director.

Other Occupants of University Housing

a.  For all others who seek to reside in University housing in connection with their services to the University and/or to avail themselves of the University’s programs or facilities (“Other Affiliate”), it is the responsibility of the Division Head of the administrative or academic unit utilizing the services of, or providing the program or facility to, the Other Affiliate, to ensure that housing license agreements are signed prior to occupying University housing.

b.  The Division Head, or their designee, shall provide the AVPs and Director with the names, housing room assignments and other requested information for all Other Affiliates residing in University housing and shall update the AVPs and Director of a change in residency status of any such Other Affiliate.  The Division Head, or their  designee, shall also be responsible for the return of the completed Apartment/Room Condition Reports to the AVP for Facilities and the Director.

Related Policies and Documents

Housing and Residence Life Policies
Policy on Mandatory Compliance Training
Policy Against Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment and Retaliation
Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
Housing License Agreements

Related Policies

Responsible Offices

  • Campus Ministry
  • Department of Facilities and Operations
  • Department of Housing and Residence Life
  • Department of Public Safety and Security
  • Office of EEO and Title IX Compliance



Approved by Dr. Joseph Nyre, President, on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet, on March 9, 2020

Effective Date

March 9th, 2020