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Seton Hall University

Violence Prevention


This policy is intended to ensure that everyone associated with the University will not be subjected to threats and/or threatening behavior, or acts of violence by University employees against [themselves], other staff members, faculty, students, visitors or other individuals on University property or by University employees while in the conduct of University business off campus.


University Policy


This policy applies to all Seton Hall employees and students.


Seton Hall University, in order to provide an appropriate level of safety for employees, students, visitors, and property, has established a policy of Zero Tolerance for any form of threats and/or threatening behavior, or acts of violence. Employees who engage in any type of violence in the workplace, threaten violence in the workplace, or exhibit behavior that creates a concern about violence will be subject to immediate removal from the workplace and disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment for cause. In addition, law enforcement authorities will be notified.

Ban on Firearms and Deadly Weapons

The University specifically prohibits the possession of any firearm (regardless of whether the individual is licensed to carry it or not) or other deadly weapon by an employee while in the workplace. This ban includes keeping or transporting a firearm or weapon in a vehicle in a parking area, whether public or private. Employees are also prohibited from carrying a firearm or weapon while performing University services off the University’s premises.

Deadly weapons include any kind of firearm, knife, explosive, or other item with the potential to inflict harm. A violation of this policy will result in confiscation of the weapon and immediate removal of the employee from the workplace. The employee will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment for cause.

  1. Every member of the University Community is responsible for helping to prevent violence in the workplace. Employees are required to report an incident and/or any suspicious activity in the workplace that could indicate that someone may be in a position to commit an act of violence to the Department of Human Resources, the Department of Public Safety & Security or by calling the South Orange Police.
  2. If a supervisor or employee believes that someone may be in imminent danger, or if the incident in question resulted in anyone being physically harmed, the supervisor must immediately contact the police by dialing 911.
  3. For incidents where there is not an immediate danger, employees are responsible for reporting all incidents of threatening behavior or potential workplace violence, whether against them or witnessed against others, to their respective supervisor immediately. The supervisor, in turn, should notify the Department of Human Resources.
  4. Reports of threatening behavior or potential workplace violence will be investigated by the appropriate University officials and any information received will be shared on a need-to-know basis. Retaliation for such a report is prohibited.
  5. Employees who have Protection from Abuse Orders from other individuals should notify their supervisor and the Department of Public Safety and Security. Employees should cooperate with their supervisor and the Department of Public Safety and Security to take appropriate steps to minimize the opportunity for the legally identified violent offender(s) to contact or visit the employee on campus.

Supervisors are critical to the prevention of employee violence in the workplace. By recognizing early signs and intervening prudently and appropriately, supervisors can reduce the chances of eruptive violent behavior. When left unchecked, inappropriate behaviors can escalate to higher levels. Behavioral warning signs which, in some combination, may indicate a potential for violence, could include but are not limited to:

  • paranoia (e.g. "others are out to get me or get my job")
  • frequent angry outbursts, difficulty controlling temper
  • recent isolation of self from co-workers, seems to turn a cold shoulder
  • rash or impulsive behavior without apparent forethought
  • failure to accept criticism; blames others when things go wrong
  • drug/alcohol use or abuse
  • obsession about possessing or collecting weapons, or "getting" someone
  • co-workers have concerns about or fear this person
  • bragging about past acts of violence

Supervisors who observe inappropriate behavior should immediately contact the Department of Human Resources.

The University reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.

Related Policies

Responsible Offices

Department of Human Resources



This policy was amended and approved by Monsignor Robert Sheeran, President, upon the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet on October 29, 2009.

Effective Date

October 29th, 2009