Rev. Danny Pabon


Rev. Danny Pabon , S.T.L.
Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology
Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology

(201) 796-3521 ext. 112

Rev. Danny Pabon, S.T.L.

Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology
Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology

Fr. Pabon graduated with a specialization in Sacramental Theology.

 Fr. Danny Pabon is an Adjunct Professor at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, the Center for Diaconal Formation, and the University Core Curriculum. He was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Newark on May 28th, 2016, and currently serves as Administrator of St. Leo's Church in Elmwood Park, NJ.

Father Pabon obtained his S.T.B. degree from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. For his S.T.B. paper, he focused on the symbolism and significance of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John, particularly in relation to the sacraments. He then pursued an S.T.L. from Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo in Rome, where he wrote his licentiate thesis titled "Icona Vivens Christi Servi in Ecclesia: An American Theology of the Permanent Diaconate."

Upon his return to the Archdiocese of Newark, Father Pabon has served in several parishes and has been teaching at Seton Hall University. He has also been involved in the liturgical training of permanent deacons and the laity, and has been invited to speak at various sacramental conferences across the country.