Michael Reuter, M.B.A.

Special Advisor
Continuing Education and Professional Studies

Director Emeritus, Buccino Leadership Institute

Michael Reuter is a native New Yorker having been born and raised in Brooklyn. He attended Cathedral College of the Immaculate Conception, the Jesuit Seminary and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree from Saint Peter's University. Michael served as a Strategic Intelligence Officer in the Republic of Vietnam. He joined AT&T in 1969 and held numerous positions in various organizations as the company was evolving from a regulated monopoly into competitive enterprise. Michael earned a Masters of Business Administration from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Over the past 40 years he has been an executive coach and mentor. He has lead and implemented many successful organizational change management initiatives. He has co-authored several papers on the career learnings and experiences of various senior executives including a paper, "A Passion for Excellence," with former AT&T CEO, Robert Allen. He is a motivational speaker on the subject of leadership. He also published a paper, "Project Leadership Management in the Next Millennium - The New Requirements for High Performance." He taught at Centenary College, New Jersey, as an adjunct professor teaching Human Resources.

In August 2007, he assumed the position of Director, Center for Leadership Studies, in Seton Hall University’s Stillman School of Business. His work and leadership resulted in the Gerald P. Buccino '63 Center for Leadership Development being ranked nationally for five consecutive years as the #1 Educational Certificate Program with an Emphasis on Leadership and Organizational Development by HR.com. His leadership work across the University contributed to the establishment of Seton Hall University’s Buccino Leadership Institute in 2018. He has been honored with many awards and recognitions for his numerous leadership development contributions, his role modeling of servant leadership and his inspiration in serving people and organizations in achieving their fullest potential.

He writes a weekly newsletter, Three Minute Leadership (threeminuteleadership.com), for a broad audience of business leaders and professionals, students, Faculty and Administrators and the people he coaches and mentors addressing various topics on the subject of leadership. His work and leadership has resulted in the Gerald P. Buccino '63 Center for Leadership Development being nationally ranked five consecutive years as the #1 Educational Certificate Program with an Emphasis on Leadership and Organizational Development by HR.com.

He is a member of the Board of Directors of the United States Hispanic Advocacy Association (USHAA), and also the Board’s Ambassador for Leadership. He is the former Board Chairman for WitnessHOPE, and former executive Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Raise Hope Foundation.

He was honored and recognized as Director Emeritus when he retired from Seton Hall University in 2020. His leadership work across the University contributed to the establishment of Seton Hall University’s Buccino Leadership Institute in 2018. He has been named, ”Seton Hall University’s Father of Leadership.” From July 2022 to June 2023, he served as the Institute’s Interim Executive Director. In October 2023, he was inducted into the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership Hall of Fame receiving the Robert F Greenleaf Legacy Award for Servant Leadership.

He is still active in coaching, mentoring and speaking engagements. Since August 2023, he continues to serve as a Special Advisor to the Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies (CEPS). In this position, he serves as a key contributor to leadership development and the growth of the Buccino Leadership Institute in a strategic capacity.