Robert Mayhew, Ph.D.

Department of Philosophy

Professor Mayhew’s primary research interests are in ancient philosophy. His most recent books in this field are Aristotle’s Lost Homeric Problems (Oxford UP 2019) and (as editor) two collections of essays on the Aristotelian Mirabilia (Routledge 2024). In the past two years, his essays have appeared in the following journals: Classical PhilologyErga-Logoi: Rivista di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell’antichitàGreek, Roman, and Byzantine StudiesPhilologia Philosophica; and Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica. He is currently working on an edition of the fragments of Aristotle’s lost Zoϊka (Animal Matters), and he was a short-term visiting scholar at the University of Leuven (2023) and the University of Padua (2024) working on this project. He is also translating the following works, by (or attributed to) Aristotle, for the Loeb Classical Library (Harvard UP): Eudemian EthicsOn VirtueOn Marvelous Things Heard, and Positions and Names of the Winds. Dr. Mayhew also has an interest in the novelist-philosopher Ayn Rand. His most recent work on Rand is a forthcoming chapter “Ayn Rand as Aristotelian: Literary Esthetics,” in Ayn Rand and Aristotle (U. of Pittsburgh Press).