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Seton Hall University
Campus Green

Excellence in Service-Learning Award

January 31: For full-time faculty, Deans shall determine their college or school's nominee for the Excellence in Service-Learning Award and report this designation to the Assistant Provost for Academic Excellence and Assessment. Deans are encouraged to invite nominations from departments as appropriate and may decide to set a pre-deadline for these nominations.

February 7: A committee will be constituted in the first week of February to select a winner(s) for the  Excellence in Service-Learning award.

February 28: The committee will submit the University-wide winner for the Excellence in Service-Learning award. 

April 22: Annual Faculty Excellence Award Reception

Each college may nominate one full-time professor for the Excellence in Service-Learning award. The Deans' Office should provide the following nominating material in addition to the material listed in "General Eligibility":

  • A description of a service-learning opportunity including;
  • The problem addressed;
  • Explanation of how student(s) and faculty identified this problem;
  • Efforts made by student(s) and faculty to address the problem in solidarity and while demonstrating respect for existing organizations and members of the communities our students aim to serve;
  • Active participation of students in all or most stages of the project;
  • Justification for nomination that should include any specific links with the curriculum, opportunities for skill development, connections to research, and opportunities for student reflection.
  • Nominators should arrange for between two and four student letters from students engaged in the service-learning opportunity facilitated by the nominee.  At least one  letter should be from a current student. Students should also be encouraged to highlight their active participation in all stages of the project as well as any specific links with the curriculum, opportunities for skill development, connections to research, and opportunities for student reflection.

Aside from student letters, any artifacts of the service-learning opportunity and the like should be limited to five pages and should be directly included as a single attachment (Word or PDF) with the nomination.