Pirates Course: Studying Abroad and Language Fellowships Workshop
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Have you ever been curious about studying abroad or embarking on a language learning
fellowship and wondered how to fund these opportunities? This small-group workshop will guide you in how to brainstorm, select, and apply to scholarship and fellowship
funding opportunities for language courses, study abroad and immersion programs while
attending Seton Hall University and/or post-graduation! Open to undergraduate students,
this workshop offers application guidance and feedback for applying to prestigious
scholarships such as the Gilman, Fulbright, Boren, Critical Language Scholarship and
others. This workshop will outline the various stages of the application process including
setting goals and timelines, reaching out to recommenders, crafting a narrative, writing
essays and more so that participants are equipped to apply.
Sophia Shi, our workshop instructor, is a current Ph.D. student who has experience applying for and embarking on these opportunities. She is a recipient of U.S. governmental awards, a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship and a Fulbright U.S. Student Program awardee, and a recipient of other international and private fellowships. You will learn from her research and success.
Studying another language or in another country broadens one’s mind and expands academic and professional potential, this workshop will help you fund and explore these opportunities!
Join us on at 6:30 p.m. on April 3 in Room 206 of the University Center, for dinner and this informative workshop!
Categories: Campus Life, Nation and World