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Department of Information Technology

2024-2025 Faculty Innovation Grants: The Adobe Creative Project

The Adobe Creative Project aims to cultivate, innovate, and increase digital literacy skills by using one or more of the Adobe Creative tools to enhance or replace a class project. The chosen project or activity should focus on one or more of the following digital literacy skills: 

  • Critical Thinking and Evaluation
  • E-Safety
  • Cultural and Social Understanding
  • Collaboration
  • Curate Information
  • Proficient Communicator
  • Creativity
  • Practical and Fundamental Skills

Awardees agree to serve on a Teaching Learning and Technology Roundtable committee, present their project at a future showcase and share their proposals as examples for other faculty considering future submissions. All full-time faculty are eligible. Projects must be implemented before May 15, 2025. The project stipend is $500.00.

Faculty interested in pursuing an Adobe Creative Project must submit a proposal using the Adobe Creative Project FIG Proposal Submission Form. The applications will be reviewed and recommendations for funding will be made to the TLT Center by a faculty committee. Proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis through December 2, 2024.

Successful proposals address the following criteria: 

  • Impact: Activity/Assignments created through the grant should have the potential to be applied beyond the initial course(s) for which they are created. Applicants should explain how they intend to make their resources available to broader constituencies.

  • Learning Outcomes and Pedagogy: Proposals should demonstrate sound and innovative pedagogical practices and illustrate clearly how the project will result in an enhanced learning experience in the classroom or online. Proposals that greatly impact and improve student learning outcomes and align to specific outcomes are favored.

  • Digital Literacy Skills: Proposals should aide students in attaining or enhancing one or more of the following digital literacy skills: Critical thinking & Evaluation; E-Safety; Cultural & Social Understanding; Collaboration; Curate Information; Proficient Communicator; Creativity; Practical & Fundamental Skills.

  • Assessment: Successful project proposals will include a draft assessment or detailed assessment plan to measure specific learning objectives and Digital Literacy skills. The assessment should be linked to the learning objectives for which the project is developed.

Adobe Creative Project Rubric 2024-2025

Student Learning Outcomes & Pedagogy: Identify specific learning objective(s) activity addresses. Project greatly impacts and improves student learning outcomes. Project is aligned to specific outcomes. It is not clear whether the project will impact or improve student learning outcomes. Project does not impact or improve student learning outcomes. There are no learning outcomes specified.
Impact Project is transferable to other disciplines. Project is applicable to one discipline. Not stated

Digital Literacy Skills: Identify which Digital Literacy Skill(s) is/are achieved through the activity.

  • Critical Thinking & Evaluation
  • E-Safety
  • Cultural & Social Understanding
  • Collaboration
  • Curate Information
  • Proficient Communicator
  • Creativity
  • Practical & Fundamental Skills
Project addresses all or almost all 8 of these digital literacy skills. Project addresses 3-4 of these digital literacy skills. Not stated or project does not address any of these digital literacy skills.
Provide draft assessment or specific assessment plan to measure specific learning objective and digital literacy skills.
There is a clearly stated assessment plan to measure the impact on student learning. The assessment plan is stated but needs much clarification. There is no evidence of an assessment plan.