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Department of Information Technology

2024-2025 Traditional Faculty Innovation Grant

Traditional Faculty Innovation Grants (FIGs) are designed for more substantial projects with the potential for greater impact on both faculty and students. FIGs are devoted to the creation or application of learning objects, resources, or innovative approaches by faculty members, with the support of the TLT Center, to infuse technology in courses scheduled to be taught at Seton Hall by the end of the Spring 2025 semester and in subsequent semesters. Grantees are expected to:

  • Submit a progress and final report that include the assessment of learning outcomes.
  • Develop a well-defined strategy for continued implementation in subsequent semesters.
  • Present their projects at one of the TLTC's FIG showcases in the academic year following the award.

All full-time faculty are eligible to submit a proposal for a Traditional FIG by completing the proposal submission form. Proposals must include a project timeline, detailed budget, and assessment plan. Proposed grant budgets should not exceed $10,000.

Proposals are due by October 15, 2024. Awardees will be notified by November 15, 2024.

Successful proposals address the following criteria:

  • Innovation:  Preference will be given to proposals that explore emerging technologies, use existing or new cloud computing services, or provide students with knowledge and skills that can directly enhance students' career trajectory (path).

  • Impact:  Tools and resources created through the grant should have the potential to be applied beyond the initial course(s) for which they are created. Applicants should explain how they intend to make their resources available to broader constituencies, both on and off campus.

  • Learning Outcomes & Pedagogy: Proposals should demonstrate sound and innovative pedagogical practices and illustrate clearly how the project will result in an enhanced learning experience in the classroom or online. Proposals that greatly impact and improve student learning outcomes and align to specific outcomes are favored.

  • Digital Literacy Skills: Proposals should aide students in attaining or enhancing one or more of the following digital literacy skills: Critical thinking & Evaluation; E-Safety; Cultural & Social Understanding; Collaboration; Curate Information; Proficient Communicator; Creativity; Practical & Fundamental Skills

  • Budget: A successful application must include a detailed budget outline. Preference will be given to proposals with clear potential to attract outside funding.

  • Feasibility: Proposals should center on objectives that can be realistically fulfilled by the end of the Spring 2025 semester. A project timeline or work to be completed and when is requested.

  • Assessment: Successful project proposals will include a plan for how the effectiveness of the implementation of the tool, resource, or application will be assessed. The assessment should be linked to the learning objectives for which the project is developed.

Traditional Faculty Innovation Grant Rubric 2024-2025

  5 4 3 2 1
Innovative Approach Project involves new technology used in an innovative way. Project involves existing technology used in an innovative way. Project involves a combination of existing and new technology but only used in a standard, non-innovative way. Project does not involve any new technology and only minimal innovative approaches. Project does not involve any new technology or innovative approaches.
Impact Project impacts students in multiple sections and multiple courses. Project impacts students in multiple sections of a single course. Project impacts students in one section of one course. Project impacts only a small focus group of students. Project does not involve students.
Maintenance Beyond deployment, project needs no maintenance or TLTC support. Beyond deployment, project needs minor maintenance or TLTC support. Beyond deployment, project needs updating/maintenance every semester by TLTC. Beyond deployment, project needs significant maintenance with TLTC support every semester. Beyond deployment, project needs complete overhaul with TLTC support.
Pedagogical Focus Project addresses (1) how the activity will improve pedagogical practice, and (2) indicates specific student learning outcomes with integrated digital literacy skills. Project addresses (1) how the activity will improve pedagogical practice, and (2) indicates specific student learning outcomes with integrated digital literacy skills with minor changes needed before implementation. Project addresses (1) how the activity will improve pedagogical practice, and (2) indicates specific student learning outcomes with integrated digital literacy skills with significant changes needed before implementation. Project is missing
one of the following: (1) student learning outcomes that are focused on digital literacy skills and (2) a plan for how the activity will improve pedagogical practice.
Project does not address how the activity will improve pedagogical practice or indicate any specific student learning outcomes that are focused on digital literacy skills.
Assessment Project includes clearly stated plan for assessing impact on student learning. Project includes an assessment plan that needs minor clarification. Project includes assessment plan that needs significant clarification. Project only minimally mentions assessment plan, but no outcomes or methods are included. Project does not include any assessment plan.
Sustainability Project does not need any additional funding after its initial launch. Project will require minimal cost from time to time. Project may require moderate cost on a regular basis so that project can continue to function optimally. Project requires significant cost due to disposable components that must be replenished by the department on a regular basis. Project requires significant cost on a regular basis (i.e., monthly or yearly fees).