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College of Arts and Sciences

SHU-NJSGC (NASA) Academic Year Research Fellowships 2024-25

Seton Hall University Astronomical Observatory.

Seton Hall University Astronomical Observatory.

For 2024-25 academic year, Seton Hall University has been awarded three academic year fellowships for science, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) undergraduate students by the New Jersey Space Grant Consortium (NJSGC), a NASA Sponsored Program.


The New Jersey Space Grant Consortium was established in 1991 by a grant from NASA. The objectives of the Consortium are to develop programs to further aerospace and STEM education, research and development in New Jersey. For the 2023-2024 academic year, NJSGC has awarded Seton Hall University four Academic Year Student Research Fellowships to administer.

Fellowship Details:

  • The fellowship recipient must conduct research relevant to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) or aerospace and fit into one of NASA’s missions as outlined in the web site.
  • The fellow must be a full-time student at Seton Hall University. A faculty member in Seton Hall University has to agree to supervise the research of the fellow.
  • Seton Hall University has three fellowships to award in 2024-25 academic year. The fellowship amount is $2,000 per student.
  • The fellowship amount is only for the stipend of the student.
  • By NASA mandate, only U.S. citizens are eligible.
  • Underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to apply.

Application Process:

  • Interested students should submit their applications by the October 18, 2024 deadline. The application should include the completed application form and a one-page research project description from the student with the approval of faculty supervisor for the project.
  • Applications will be reviewed by a committee formed by the faculty of the science departments at Seton Hall. 

Award Procedures and Requirements:

  • Each fellowship recipient is required to write a 1,000 word report outlining the research that they have conducted after the conclusion of the project.
  • NJSGC must be properly acknowledged in any publication, presentation, or poster session involving the research.
  • NASA requests NJSGC to conduct longitudinal tracking of its fellowship recipients. The fellow will be asked to pledge to provide NJSGC information of their progress and career selection for a period of ten years after the end of the fellowship. Please note: Such information is requested only for statistical purposes, and will be published only in aggregate form—names of recipients will remain confidential. The data will only be shared with NASA.

Categories: Research, Science and Technology