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Tuition and Fees

Academic Year 2025 Rates (Fall 2024 - Summer 2025) 

Undergraduate Tuition Rates

Program Per Semester Per Credit
Full-time (12 or more credits) $25,190 (12-18 credits)* (a)
$1,540 per additional credit 
Part-time (less than 12 credits) (a) $1,540

*Incoming Freshmen - for the first semester only - may take 12-19 credits at the flat tuition rate.

Undergraduate University Fees

Fee Amount  
University Fee, Full-time $595 Semester
University Fee, Part-time $180 Semester
University Fee, Summer/Winter $80 Semester
Mobile Computing Fee, Full-time $325 Semester
Technology Fee, Full-time $475 Semester
Technology Fee, Part-time $155 Semester
New Student Fee - One Time $350 One-time
Health Insurance $2,332 Full-year
Health Insurance $963 Fall only
Health Insurance $1,369 Spring/ Summer only

Graduate Tuition Rates

Program Per Semester Per Credit
Arts and Sciences (a) $1,520
Business (a) $1,520
College of Human Development, Culture, and Media  (a) $1,520
Diplomacy (a) $1,490
Health and Medical Sciences (a) $1,470
Health and Medical Sciences (OT, PT, & PA) (a) $1,520
Health and Medical Sciences (SLP) (a) $1,470
Health and Medical Sciences (AT) (a) $1,470
Health and Medical Sciences (MHA) (a) $1,470
Health and Medical Sciences (Ph.D. Health Sciences) (a) $1,470
Nursing (a) $1,520

Graduate University Fees

Fee Amount  
University Fee, Full-time (Registered for 9 or more credits) $210 Semester
University Fee, Part-time $140 Semester
University Fee, Summer/Winter $65 Semester
Technology Fee, Full-time (Registered for 9 or more credits) $285 Semester
Technology Fee, Part-time $145 Semester
Graduate Nursing Fee $220 Semester
Thesis Continuation Fee $130 Semester
Health Insurance $4,559 Full-year
Health Insurance $1,891 Fall only
Health Insurance $2,668 Spring/ Summer only

Human Development, Culture, and Media Special Graduate Program Tuition Rates

Program Per Credit / Course
Counseling M.A./Ed.S., Online $1,000 per credit
School Counseling M.A., Online $1,000 per credit
MAE/EdS - K-12 Education Leadership, Management and Policy (Online) $850 per credit
Executive Ed.D. - K-12 Education Leadership, Management and Policy $1,370 per credit
M.A. Law Enforcement Executive Leadership $850 per credit
Certificate - K-12 Supervisor, Online $2,360 per course

Theology/Seminary Graduate Tuition Rate

Program Per Semester Per Credit
Theology/Seminary Graduate Tuition Rate (a) $790

Theology/Seminary University Fees

Fee Amount  
University Fee, Full-time $210 Semester
University Fee, Part-time $140 Semester
University Fee, Summer $65 Semester
Technology Fee, Full-time $285 Semester
Technology Fee, Part-time $145 Semester

Seminary Room and Board

Fee Amount  
Room Seminary, Lewis Hall $3,722 Semester
Meal Plan Seminary $3,834 Semester

Room Per Semester

Room Per Semester
On-Campus Residence Halls Double (b) $6,135
Off-Campus - Ora Manor Double (b) $7,325
Off-Campus - Turrell Manor Double (b) $7,995
On Campus Halls Single $7,660
On-Campus Neumann Premium Single $8,015
On-Campus Neumann Premium Double $6,415
On Campus Halls (Aquinas, Boland, Cabrini, Serra, Xavier) Double $6,135
On Campus Halls (Aquinas, Boland, Cabrini, Serra, Xavier) Triple $6,135
On Campus Aquinas Discounted Triple $5,615
On Campus Cabrini and Serra Discounted Triple $4,435
Off-Campus Ora Manor Single $9,145
Off-Campus Turrell Manor Single $10,500
Off-Campus, St. Andrew's Hall  $6,865

(a) Discounts may be applied to certain programs or courses that meet specific criteria. 
(b) Rates are presented for standard double rooms.

Meal Plan Rates

Meal Plan Meals Pirate Bucks Guests Semester Charge
U Unlimited 75 5 $2,850
U-300 Unlimited 300 5 $3,033
U-700 Unlimited 700 5 $3,363
2* 40 meals per semester 75 1 $575

***Meal Plan 2 is available to commuters, Ora, and Turrell residents only.

Instructions for downloading the mobile food order app can be found here »

Other Fees

Program Per Semester Per Credit
International Student Fee $400 One-time
Returned Check Fee $35 Each Instance
Late Fee Up to $250 Per Semester
Credit Card Convenience Fee 2.95% Per Amount Charged
Lab Supply Fee $25 - $50 Course Specific
Graphics Lab Fee $35 - 90 Course Specific
Lost Key Fee $108 Each Instance
Residence Lockout Fee $10 - $25 Each Instance
Laptop Repair Charge Up to $125 Each Instance
Nursing - Review Course Fee $400 One-time
Nursing – EHR Go $85 - $100 Course specific
Nursing – Vsims $40 - $150 Course-specific
English as a Second Language (per course) $625 Per course
Project Acceleration $110 Per credit
Prequalification MBA (per course) $540 Per course
Credit Card International Fee 4.25%  

Auditors, Senior Citizens, Au Pairs

The pricing below applies to Auditors, Au Pairs, and Senior Citizens who register in-person on specified dates. Prices apply to both undergraduate and graduate level courses. Rates are only applicable to the South Orange main campus.

For registration dates and more information please visit:

Student Type Per Credit/Course Fees
Auditor (non-credit) $600 per credit University Fee & Technology Fee
Auditor (non-credit) Graduate Theology $300 per credit University Fee & Technology Fee
Senior Citizen Auditor (non-credit) $100 per course No Fees
Senior Citizen (for credit) $500 per course University Fee & Technology Fee

Please be advised, tuition and fees generally increase 3% annually.

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Academic Year 2024 Rates (Fall 2023 - Summer 2024) 

Undergraduate Tuition Rates

Program Per Semester Per Credit
Full-time (12 or more credits) $24,335 (12-18 credits)* (a)
$1,490 per additional credit 
Part-time (less than 12 credits)   $1,490

*Incoming Freshmen - for the first semester only - may take 12-19 credits at the flat tuition rate.

Undergraduate University Fees

Fee Amount  
University Fee, Full-time $575 Semester
University Fee, Part-time $175 Semester
University Fee, Summer/Winter $75 Semester
Mobile Computing Fee, Full-time $315 Semester
Technology Fee, Full-time $460 Semester
Technology Fee, Part-time $150 Semester
New Student Fee - One Time $340 One-time
Health Insurance $2,403 Full-year
Health Insurance $1,412 Spring only

Graduate Tuition Rates

Program Per Semester Per Credit
Arts and Sciences (a) $1,520
Business (a) $1,465
College of Human Development, Culture, and Media  (a) $1,465
Diplomacy (a) $1,445
Health and Medical Sciences (a) $1,450
Health and Medical Sciences (OT, PT, & PA) (a) $1,520
Health and Medical Sciences (SLP) (a) $1,470
Health and Medical Sciences (AT) (a) $1,405
Nursing (a) $1,500

Graduate University Fees

Fee Amount  
University Fee, Full-time (Registered for 9 or more credits) $200 Semester
University Fee, Part-time $135 Semester
University Fee, Summer/Winter $60 Semester
Technology Fee, Full-time (Registered for 9 or more credits) $275 Semester
Technology Fee, Part-time $140 Semester
Graduate Nursing Fee $210 Semester
Health Insurance $5,567 Full-year
Health Insurance $3,262 Spring only

Human Development, Culture, and Media Special Graduate Program Tuition Rates

Program Per Credit / Course
Counseling M.A./Ed.S., Online $880 per credit
School Counseling M.A., Online $880 per credit
K-12 Education Leadership, Management & Policy (Online), M.A.E./Ed.S. $740 per credit
Executive Education, Leadership, Management & Policy Ed.D. $1,327
Law Enforcement Executive Leadership M.A. $735 per credit
K-12 Supervisor Certificate, Online $2,280

Theology/Seminary Graduate Tuition Rate

Program Per Semester Per Credit
Theology/Seminary Graduate Tuition Rate (a) $765

Theology/Seminary University Fees

Fee Amount  
University Fee, Full-time $200 Semester
University Fee, Part-time $135 Semester
University Fee, Summer $60 Semester
Technology Fee, Full-time $275 Semester
Technology Fee, Part-time $140 Semester

Room Per Semester

Room Per Semester
On-Campus Residence Halls Double (b) $5,925
Off-Campus - Ora Manor Double (b) $7,075
Off-Campus - Turrell Manor Double (b) $7,725
On Campus Halls (Boland) Single $7,400
On-Campus Neumann Premium Single $7,740
On-Campus Neumann Premium Double $6,195
On Campus Halls (Aquinas, Boland, Cabrini, Serra, Xavier) Double $5,925
On Campus Halls (Aquinas, Boland, Cabrini, Serra, Xavier) Triple $5,925
On Campus Aquinas Discounted Triple $5,425
On Campus Cabrini and Serra Discounted Triple $4,285
Off-Campus Ora Manor Single $8,835
Off-Campus Turrell Manor (1 person apartment, one room)  $10,145
Off-Campus Turrell Manor (1 person apartment, single plus)  $10,050
Off-Campus Turrell Manor (2 person apartment, two single rooms) $10,050
Off-Campus Turrell Manor (2 person apartment, one double room) $7,725
Off-Campus Turrell Manor (4 person apartment, two double rooms)  $7,645
Off-Campus, St. Andrew's Hall  $6,630
Seminary, Lewis Hall $3,596
Unlimited 75+ with extended hours (c) $2,750
Seminary $3,704

(a) Discounts may be applied to certain programs or courses that meet specific criteria. 
(b) Rates are presented for standard double rooms, the proposed increase for all rooms is 4.4%.
(c) Rates are presented for Unlimited +75, the most popular plan at approximately three quarters of students purchasing a plan.

Meal Plan Rates

Meal Plan Meals Pirate Bucks Guests Semester Charge
U Unlimited 75 5 $2,750
U-300 Unlimited 300 5 $2,930
U-700 Unlimited 700 5 $3,249
2* 40 meals per semester 75 1 $556
Seminary       $3,596

***Meal Plan 2 is available to commuters, Ora, and Turrell residents only.

Instructions for downloading the mobile food order app can be found here »

Other Fees

Program Per Semester Per Credit
International Student Fee $400 One-time
Returned Check Fee $35 Each Instance
Late Fee Up to $250 Per Semester
Credit Card Convenience Fee 2.95% Per Amount Charged
Lab Supply Fee $25 - $50 Course Specific
Graphics Lab Fee $35 - 90 Course Specific
Lost Key Fee $108 Each Instance
Residence Lockout Fee $10 - $25 Each Instance
Laptop Repair Charge Up to $125 Each Instance
Nursing - Review Course Fee $400 One-time
Nursing – EHR Go $85 - $100 Course specific
Nursing – Vsims $40 - $150 Course-specific
English as a Second Language (per course) $600  
Project Acceleration $110  
Prequalification MBA (per course) $520  

Auditors, Senior Citizens, Au Pairs

The pricing below applies to Auditors, Au Pairs, and Senior Citizens who register in-person on specified dates. Prices apply to both undergraduate and graduate level courses. Rates are only applicable to the South Orange main campus.

For registration dates and more information please visit:

Student Type Per Credit/Course Fees
Auditor (non-credit) $600 per credit University Fee & Technology Fee
Auditor (non-credit) Graduate Theology $300 per credit University Fee & Technology Fee
Senior Citizen Auditor (non-credit) $100 per course No Fees
Senior Citizen (for credit) $500 per course University Fee & Technology Fee

Please be advised, tuition and fees generally increase 3% annually.

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