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The Center for Catholic Studies

(How) Does the Bible Even Exist: A Theology of Scripture - Seton Hall University

Image of Joseph Gordon Ph.D.

Guest Speaker Joseph Gordon, Ph.D.

On Thursday, September 29, 2022, the Center for Catholic Studies will hold its annual Fall Lonergan Lecture, "(How) Does the Bible Even Exist: A Theology of Scripture" at 3:30 p.m. in Bethany Hall featuring Joseph K. Gordon, Ph.D., Professor of Theology at Johnson University and the director of the Critical-Realist Hermeneutics team in the International Institute for Method in Theology.

The lecture will offer an examination of the contemporary view of Holy Scripture and a discussion of modern challenges to understanding and engaging with the Bible faithfully and responsibility amid the variety of translations and versions of this key Christian text.

Gordon, who has frequently written about scriptural hermeneutics, theological method, and theological anthropology will suggest one possible approach to these challenges and locate Scripture in three key contexts: the faith and praxis of early Christians, the work of God in history, and the histories of human culture. He will detail the material history of Scripture and explain what it might mean to affirm that the Bible is inspired, the Word of God written and useful for God's work in history.

Image of Divine Scripture in Human Understanding: Systematic Theology of the Christian Bible, a book by Joseph Gordon, published by Notre Dame University Press Gordon is also the author of Divine Scripture in Human Understanding: A Systematic Theology of the Christian Bible (University of Notre Dame Press, 2019). He is currently writing the Cascade Companion to Bernard Lonergan and editing a collection of essays entitled “Critical Realism and Christian Scripture,” forthcoming from Marquette University Press.

Professor Jeffrey Morrow and Professor Gregory Glazov of Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology will offer also provide their perspectives and engage in conversation throughout the presentation.

All Seton Hall University students, faculty and staff are welcome to attend. To register, please visit the link here

Categories: Faith and Service

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