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Seton Hall University

Allergy Injection Program Information

Seton Hall University Health Services can assist you with continuing your Allergy Immunotherapy while you are away from home.  You may download the Allergy Immunotherapy Packet which contains information for your doctor and for you.  You must take the following documents to your Allergist for completion:

The Allergen Immunotherapy Order Form must be received in Health Services before any allergy injections will be administered.  You or your doctor may send them to our office prior to your arrival on campus or bring them with you to your Initial Allergy Consultation visit.  This is a visit you must schedule with us prior to your first injection visit.  It is an opportunity for our medical staff to review your allergy treatment regimen and get to know you.  You will bring your allergy vials to Health Services at that time. Following your consultation visit, we will set up the schedule for your injections.

The Allergy Immunotherapy Packet also contains the “Allergy Injections Contract”.  This is a document for you to review and sign which explains more about your responsibilities related to receiving allergy injections in our clinic.  Read it carefully and bring it with you to your first consultation visit.  Please feel free to call us if you have any questions or concerns.