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Seton Hall University
Pirate welcoming students onto the IHS Campus.


Campus Ministry 

The Campus Ministry Office is located in room 1502. Masses are offered regularly in the Chapel, with Confessions offered immediately before and after Mass. Check back here for updates on our Adoration, Bible Studies and other special events schedules. Fill out our IHS Campus Ministry Interest Survey »

For more information about IHS Campus Ministry please contact Fr. Colin Kay at [email protected] or Fr. Nick Sertich at [email protected].

Student Life

Student Life offers an array of services including student activities, assistance with student organizations, and Title IX support services. Student Life looks to solicit student feedback in order to improve the overall community experience at the IHS Campus. Student Life can address any other questions or concerns that students may have about their Seton Hall experience. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 8:45 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Share Your Suggestions and Ideas

We want to hear from you, use our suggestion box to share your ideas and provide us with feedback! 

Click Here to Share Suggestions and Ideas

To file a Title IX report or for information about Title IX procedures or resources, contact: 

Toni Hindsman, M.A.
Director of EEO Compliance, Title IX Coordinator
Bayley Hall, Rm. 108C
Seton Hall University, 400 South Orange Ave., South Orange, NJ 07079
Phone: (973) 275-2513
[email protected]

The IHS Student Council is an interprofessional organization that brings together two student representatives from each of the three colleges (six in total) on the Interprofessional Health Sciences Campus. Students in this organization will have to opportunity to represent their peers in developing programming, building a culture of interprofessionalism, and participating in leadership development opportunities. Overall, this is a chance to help shape the future of the IHS campus!

Recreational equipment is available to all students on the IHS Campus to borrow through to Office of Student Life in the 1500 Suite (by the cafe). To borrow equipment, please stop by the 1500 suite, and fill out the registration form on either on your laptop or phone.

For more information, please contact Lorraine Gardner, Assistant Director for Student Activities, at [email protected] or Laurie Reid, Office and Operations Manager, at [email protected]. To give us your feedback, drop by the IHS Student Services Suite, located in suite 1500 off of the cafeteria. You may also call (973) 542-6978 or e-mail to make an appointment.

For more information, you can visit the Student Life page »

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers brief individual and group psychotherapy to students who are experiencing a range of psychological issues that impact their personal or academic functioning. Throughout the year, CAPS periodically offers topic-specific workshops to students in effort to teach skills and techniques to alleviate common to the student stressors. CAPS is also happy to provide students with referrals to providers in the near-by community when needed. CAPS’ services are free and confidential. 

You can schedule an appointment to talk with a therapist on IHS campus by calling (973) 542-6978 or 973-761-9500, or visit the IHS Student Services Suite in Room 1500 off the cafeteria, Monday-Friday from 8:45 p.m - 4:45 p.m.

For more information, you can visit the Counseling and Psychological Services page »

Disability Support Services (DSS)

Disability Support Services (DSS) is available to meet with students who have documented disabilities to discuss their needs for academic accommodations. DSS is committed to supporting students to be academically successful at Seton Hall. 

If you think you may be in need of accommodations, please reach out to Carolyn Corbran, Director of Disability Support Services, at [email protected] to inquire about our services, documentation guidelines, and to learn about the registration process. You may also  visit the IHS Student Services Suite in Room 1500 off the cafeteria, Monday-Friday from 8:45 p.m - 4:45 p.m.

For more information, you can visit the Disability Support Services page »

Undergraduate Admissions, Bursar, Registrar & Financial Aid

Please see below for contact information for each of these offices. 


The IHS Campus Library is open to students, faculty, and staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The library includes a small print reference collection, tables and study carrels, a quiet study room, twenty individual and group study rooms, a conference room for library instruction, and desktop computers for database searches. The Library is located on the ground floor of the IHS campus.

A health sciences librarian team is available to assist students with research and assignments, including systemic reviews. Access to databases, journals, electronic books and interlibrary loan is available 24/7. Access to the library’s digital collection, information on how to book study rooms, contact information for the library staff, and much more can be found here.

For general inquiries, contact [email protected]. Faculty, please fill out this form  for classroom instruction requests. Faculty and students can click here to schedule a research consultation.


The Department of Housing and Residence Life provides a living, learning environment that fosters the academic and personal experience for residents, and helps them prepare for the rest of their lives. Visit the Housing and Residence Life website »


Bookstore is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. For more information call (973) 542-6927.