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College of Arts and Sciences

Profiles of the Joseph A. Unanue Latino Institute Advisory Council: Mario J. Paredes

Mario J. Parades.

Mario J. Parades.

Ten years ago, the healthcare system in New York was failing the most vulnerable communities. Through a model dedicated to patient centered care, SOMOS Community Care was founded to respond to this need, with Mr. Mario Paredes as CEO. SOMOS would eventually become the only successful total cost of care value-based payment model implemented by a physician-led group in NY. "We have a social care network of over 2,500 independent providers responsible for reaching and delivering care to over 1 million Medicaid lives across New York City. We are inclusive of everyone, however, one of the largest demographics we serve is Latino and Chinese." These populations have unique health disparities that are caused by multiple factors like language barriers, lack of comfort and bias. Hispanic Americans (19% of the U.S. population), however, continue to be underrepresented in the health professions, where only 9% of the nation's health care practitioners are Hispanic, according to a 2021 Pew Research Center analysis of federal government data. SOMOS has recruited hundreds of culturally responsive providers to address these challenges.

Serving vulnerable communities is nothing new to Mario, who is deeply committed to his Catholic faith and servant leadership. Since arriving from Chile more than 50 years ago, he has worked with NY’s Cardinal Cook and O’Connor in the service of immigrants. During this time, he came to know Mr. Joseph and Carmen Ana Unanue, and found common ground through their faith and service. Paredes recalls the lasting impression made by the Unanue’s, "Carmen had a mission trip every year to the most financially disadvantaged communities in central America. She was extraordinary, generous and a visionary while Joseph brought forward the value of sacrifice and hard work. They both understood the importance of Latinos and their impact to America." Through their shared values, Mr. and Mrs. Unanue invited Paredes to be part of the Advisory Council.

"Joseph believed in the power of education and the ability to elevate oneself through studying at a university. They felt that Seton Hall University provided an environment where students could find their identity, gain a sense of security and build themselves into professionals of excellence. In fact, Joseph envisioned an Institute that would be dedicated to the areas where Latinos were underrepresented; namely in healthcare, business, and technology." As one of the most senior members of the Advisory Council, Paredes recommits himself to this mission. "I want to help. I want to expand the Institute. I want to see the students achieve and amplify the Latino culture. God has been so good to me and through Him, I will continue the wonderful work of the Unanue’s and their profound generosity which they gave simply and with immense joy."

As we look to the renewal of the Institute, members like Mario J. Paredes carry the past and transform it into the current initiatives driving the Institute forward.

Visit their website to read more about SOMOS.

Categories: Alumni, Arts and Culture

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