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The Chesterton Institute announces the publication of a Special Conversion Issue of The Chesterton Review - Seton Hall University

The Chesterton Review, Special Conversion Issue

The Chesterton Review, Special Conversion Issue

The G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith and Culture at Seton Hall University announces the publication of a Special Conversion Issue of its widely recognized journal The Chesterton Review, volume 48, nos. 3 and 4, Fall/Winter 2022.

About the New Issue

On July 30, 1922, with very little by way of ceremony or fuss, G.K. Chesterton was received into the Roman Catholic Church. Father John O'Connor was the presiding priest, Chesterton's wife Frances and Father Ignatius Rice also in attendance. The setting was, improbably, the Railway Hotel in Beaconsfield. Afterwards the party went for afternoon tea with Chesterton, in expansive mood, writing a poem to commemorate the occasion. 'The whole world turned over and came upright,' it went. 'My name is Lazarus and I live.'

One hundred years later, Chesterton’s conversion continues to turn the world upside down and the right way up. Conversion, then, is the theme of this special issue of The Chesterton Review. Despite initial reluctance to draw attention to his becoming a Catholic, Chesterton had much to say on the subject, speaking on his own behalf and on behalf of others. His converts, among them some of the contributors to these pages, have also been eloquent on what is, by definition, a life-changing decision.
— Dermot Quinn, Editor, The Chesterton Review

The issue contains an Introduction by Dermot Quinn, articles by Bishop Peter J. Elliott, Gregory Glazov, Christopher Altieri, David Poecking, Gary Furnell, Jeffrey Morrow, Brent Forrest and William Klimon. As with all issues of the Review, there is also a good selection of Chesterton's own writing, pieces by Hilaire Belloc and Charles Péguy, along with Book and Film Reviews, as well as many News and Comments items, well as Letters and Photo Galleries.

About The Chesterton Review

Founded by Father Ian Boyd, and now edited by Professor Dermot Quinn, The Chesterton Review is the journal of the G. K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture and has been widely praised for both its scholarship and for the quality of its writing. It was founded in 1974 by Father Ian Boyd, C.S.B. to promote an interest in all aspects of Chesterton’s life, work, art, and ideas, including his Christian apologetics. It includes a wide range of articles not only on Chesterton himself, but also on the issues close to his heart in the work of other writers and in the modern world. It has devoted special issues to C.S. Lewis, George Bernanos, Hilaire Belloc, Maurice Baring, Christopher Dawson, Cardinal Manning, the Modernist Crisis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Fantasy Literature, Special Polish Issue, Special Agrarian Issue, Special Charles Dickens issue, a Special Stanley L. Jaki issue and many others. It is published twice annually (two double issues).

Categories: Faith and Service

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