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Seton Hall University

Upgrade Your Quantitative Software to Stata This Summer - Seton Hall University

A male and female student looking at a computer. Seton Hall quantitative researchers interested in transitioning from SPSS to Stata can contact SHU’s Research Data Services team. The team of librarians and data analysts, part of University Libraries, is excited to offer syllabus redesign, training workshops, and individualized consultations this summer. In the world of statistical analysis, researchers and analysts often find themselves confronted with a difficult decision: which software package should they choose? While there are several options available for quantitative research, there is a compelling case for Stata as the preferred choice over SPSS.

Stata's versatility, robustness, and user-friendly interface set it apart from tools like SPSS, providing users with a comprehensive statistical toolkit and an efficient workflow. Over the last few years, faculty in the School of Diplomacy & International Relations and College of Education have migrated from SPSS to Stata with support from Data Services. Additionally, in the Fall, Interprofessional Health Sciences (IPHS) 3550 Statistics and Research in the Health Sciences will be taught with Stata.

Stata offers statistical tools ranging from simple descriptive statistics to complex regression models, which can be used across disciplines. Its extensive range of features includes supporting panel data analysis, survival analysis, multilevel modeling, and other modes of analysis. Stata's broad capabilities will enable SHU researchers to tackle diverse research questions efficiently and accurately, saving time and effort in the process.

While getting started with new software can seem intimidating, Stata boasts an active and supportive user community as well as in-built help functions. Its extensive documentation, tutorials, and forums provide users with a wealth of resources to overcome challenges and learn new techniques.

Effective data visualization is crucial for understanding patterns and relationships within datasets. Stata offers a rich set of graphics and visualization tools, allowing users to create compelling, informative, and publication-ready visual representations of their data. With a wide range of customizable options, users can produce high-quality graphs, charts, and maps to convey their findings effectively. Stata's graphics capabilities surpass those of SPSS, providing researchers with powerful tools to present their results visually.

Stata provides a clear and documented workflow with automation capabilities and comprehensive logging. This documentation empowers researchers to share their analysis transparently, facilitate replication, and build upon existing research. With Stata, reproducibility becomes an inherent part of the research process, fostering trust, collaboration, and the advancement of knowledge.

If you are interested in learning more about Stata, please contact [email protected]. View a complete list of software available to the SHU research community here. Summer workshops are also in progress, please see our schedule here.

Categories: Science and Technology