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The Chesterton Review Announces the Publication of a Charles Dickens Special Issue - Seton Hall University

A photo of G.K. Chesterton

The Chesterton Review - Charles Dickens Special Issue.

The G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture at Seton Hall University announces the publication of its Charles Dickens Special Issue--volume 46, nos. 3 & 4, Fall Winter 2020 of its widely recognized journal The Chesterton Review.

"Charles Dickens brought out the best in G.K. Chesterton and so it is fitting that he should also bring out the best in The Chesterton Review. We are part of a triangular history that goes back at least to 1985 (when Father Ian Boyd invited Dr. Peter Hunt to edit a special issue of the journal devoted to Dickens) and in fact earlier than that (for Dickens has been appearing in these pages since Sylvère Monod wrote about him in 1977). Chestertonians cannot get enough of Dickens, the writer whose democratic imagination most resembles Chesterton's own. If Chesterton was ‘the man who discovered England' (as Margaret Canovan has described him) then Dickens was the man who helped him do so, showing him the character his country and countrymen in language of unparalleled power, brilliance, humour, and moral urgency."
--Dermot Quinn, Editor, The Chesterton Review.

This new issue of The Chesterton Review includes an Introduction by Dermot Quinn, pieces by G. K. Chesterton and Paul Claudel. Articles by Mark Knight, Jonathan Farina, Dermot Quinn, Eric Tippin, Peter R. Hunt, John Drew and Magdalena Merbilhaa. Book Reviews by John Vella, James McGlone and Dermot Quinn as well as Film Reviews by Jorge Iglesias. Numerous "News & Comments" items from a variety of sources, as well as Letters and Photo Galleries.

About the Chesterton Review
Edited by Professor Dermot Quinn, The Chesterton Review is the journal of the G. K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture and has been widely praised for both its scholarship and for the quality of its writing. It was founded in 1974 by Father Ian Boyd, C.S.B. to promote an interest in all aspects of Chesterton's life, work, art and ideas, including his Christian apologetics. It includes a wide range of articles not only on Chesterton himself, but also on the issues close to his heart in the work of other writers and in the modern world. It has devoted special issues to C.S. Lewis, George Bernanos, Hilaire Belloc, Maurice Baring, Christopher Dawson, Cardinal Manning, the Modernist Crisis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Fantasy Literature, Special Polish Issue, Special Agrarian Issue and many others. It is published twice annually (two double issues). In response to the revival of G. K. Chesterton in the Hispanic world, since 2006 The Chesterton Review publishes an annual issue in the Spanish language and since 2009 a Portuguese language supplement. In 2010, The Chesterton Review published its first issue in French and in 2011 its first issue in Italian.

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