The Class of 2027!
Monday, August 21st, 2023
Hailing from 39 states and 22 countries, 1565 Freshmen are slated to begin their Seton
Hall journey as the Class of 2027 – an increase of 50 students over last year’s class.
More than 24,000 students applied to be Pirates this year, marking the second largest total in Seton Hall history.
Although the size of this year’s class grew, Seton Hall has continued in its tradition of academic excellence – replicating last year’s record-breaking metrics for GPA (3.68), SAT (1310) and ACT (30) scores.
In its third year of test-optional admissions, Seton Hall’s upward trajectory in academic profile preceded the move that allows for more student choice in sharing academic records and achievements. In the three years prior to test-optional admissions, SAT scores averaged 1232; in 2011 the incoming class had an SAT score of 1139.
Likewise, in 2011 the incoming class had an average ACT score of 23.35; in 2020 (the year preceding test-optional admissions) the average ACT score was 26.60.
GPA, the reporting of which is not optional, has also risen considerably over the last decade: from 3.44 in 2013 and 3.45 in 2014, to 3.68 this year and last.
While sustaining academic excellence in its incoming class, Seton Hall has also held
its commitment to diversity in all forms and its identity as a university of opportunity.
More than a third of the incoming class is made up of first-generation students (first in their family to attend college), while a third are Pell eligible.
Nearly half of the incoming class identify as students of color.
Upward Trend Despite Demographic Declines
The Class of 2027 continues the upward trend for Seton Hall over the last decade,
with the University experiencing an overall increase in applicants as well as class
size and a strengthening of academic credentials.
This upward trajectory for Seton Hall has occurred despite demographic declines in the number of college-age students in the United States and the downturn in enrollment experienced by many other private universities in the state and in colleges and universities across the nation overall.
Nationally, undergraduate enrollment has declined by more than 15 percent over the last decade; at Seton Hall enrollment has increased by 19 percent.
"Value shows and people have come to know that we are a school of opportunity intensely focused on the success and well-being of our students," said Seton Hall University Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management Alyssa McCloud. "Seton Hall is also deeply committed to return on investment – and that shows in the achievements of our graduates and the independent studies that gauge ROI."
For 2022, Seton Hall University has a 98.5 percent overall employment rate.
The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce ranked 1700 public and private colleges and universities in the United States (that primarily confer bachelor's degrees) for return on investment over the course of a graduate's workforce career.
The Georgetown research found that Seton Hall alumni can expect to reap an additional $1.4 million in earnings during the course of their career by virtue of their degree, which placed the University at 175 among the 1700 schools – the Top 10 percent nationally.
In a recent ranking by PayScale Inc. ("the world's leading provider of on-demand compensation data and software"), Seton Hall was named among the top 12 percent of colleges in America for the mid-career salary of its alumni, $103,800. For the ranking, PayScale Inc. sampled data from more than 3.5 million full-time, degree-holding employees. The sample included 1,736 schools for people with only a bachelor's degree.
Categories: Campus Life