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Seton Hall University

Policy On Mandatory Compliance Training


To provide a safe teaching, learning, working and living environment, Seton Hall University Board of Regents requires that all members of the University community complete a Mandatory Compliance Training Program ("Training Program"). The Training Program is intended to benefit the University community in accordance with the Catholic principle of the personal responsibility that each member of the community has for their self, one another and ultimately for the community as a whole. This policy is administered in accordance with Seton Hall’s Catholic educational mission and the teachings of the Catholic Church.


To provide a safe teaching, learning, working and living environment, Seton Hall University Board of Regents requires that all members of the University community complete a Mandatory Compliance Training Program ("Training Program"). The Training Program is intended to benefit the University community in accordance with the Catholic principle of the personal responsibility that each member of the community has for their self, one another and ultimately for the community as a whole. This policy is administered in accordance with Seton Hall’s Catholic educational mission and the teachings of the Catholic Church.



The University Training Program is mandatory for all Regents, Trustees, Committee Members, Employees, Volunteers and Occupants, and must be completed as set forth below.  Completion of the Training Program is intended to provide the necessary skills to foster a safe and respectful environment. Failure to comply with this policy will result in the consequences set forth below. University administrators are required to annually report on fulfillment of the Training Program by their respective divisions to the Audit Committee of the Board of Regents.

A.  Training Program

Harassment and Discrimination Prevention, Including Title IX
All Regents, Trustees, Committee Members, Employees, Volunteers and Occupants must complete the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention training course within 30 days of their election, appointment, hire, assignment date or occupancy of University housing or offices as applicable.  Thereafter, this training course must be completed annually.  

Data Security Awareness
All Regents, Trustees and Employees must complete the Data and Security Awareness training course within 30 days of their election, appointment, hire, assignment date or occupancy of University housing. Thereafter, this training course must be completed bi-annually.

Conflict of Interest
All Regents and Trustees, as well as all Employees with hiring authority and/or budget authorization for $10,000 or more must complete the Conflict of Interest training course within 30 days of their election, appointment, hire or assignment date. Thereafter, this training course must be completed annually.

B.  Consequences for Failure to Comply

Employees (except faculty, who are addressed below)
Completion of the  Training Program is a condition of employment.  Those who fail to complete the Training Program by the scheduled due date may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. In addition, those who do not complete the  Training Program may lose access to University systems until compliance is achieved.  Failure to comply with the University’s Training Program will be considered during annual performance appraisals.

Faculty (except Adjunct Faculty, who are addressed below)
Completion of the Training Program is a condition of employment. Those who fail to complete the Training Program by the scheduled due date will be deemed to have committed a serious violation of the rights and freedoms of fellow faculty members, administrators and students. Failure to comply with this policy will be noted in the faculty member's personnel file, and the faculty member will be ineligible for any salary increases the University offers for the next fiscal year. Faculty members who fail to comply and therefore render themselves ineligible for any salary increase in a given year can regain their eligibility to earn a salary increase for a subsequent fiscal year by completing the Training Program, but salary increases forfeited for non-compliance will not be retroactively applied. In addition, faculty members who do not complete the Training Program may lose access to University systems until compliance is achieved. 

Adjunct Faculty
Completion of the Training Program is a condition of employment. Adjunct Faculty members who fail to complete the Training Program by the scheduled due date will be ineligible for further employment at Seton Hall University. In addition, adjunct faculty members who do not complete the Training Program may lose access to University systems until compliance is achieved. 

Volunteers and Occupants
Completion of the Training Program is a condition of being authorized to undertake certain activities as a Volunteer as set forth in the University Volunteer Policy, reside in University housing or occupy University offices or space. Volunteers who fail to complete the Training Program by the scheduled due date may not serve as volunteers. Occupants who fail to complete the Training Program by the scheduled due date may be subject to expulsion from University offices, space or housing.

Trustees and Regents
Violations of this Policy may result in forfeiture of the member's appointment to the Board of Trustees and/or the Board of Regents.

C.  Notification of Training Program Schedule
Committee Members, Employees, Volunteers and Occupants will receive notice of their Training Program schedule and due dates. University administrators for the Board of Regents, Board of Trustees and the Department of Housing and Residence Life are responsible for obtaining the contact information for Committee Members and Occupants immediately upon their election, appointment or occupancy. Division Vice Presidents or their designees are responsible for obtaining the contact information for Volunteers upon their authorization to serve as Volunteers. Contact information shall include full name, phone number and the email address to which notices shall be sent under this policy and shall be promptly provided by the administrators or applicable Vice Presidents to the Associate Vice President for Human Resources.   

D.  Changes and Additions to the Training Program
The University may add, change or assess elements of the University's Training Program as deemed appropriate and necessary. 

Related Policies

Responsible Offices

  • Department of Human Resources
  • Department of Information Technology
  • Office of EEO and Title IX Compliance



Approved by Dr. Joseph Nyre, President, on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet on August 8, 2019.

Ratified by the Board of Regents on August 27, 2019.

Next amended by President Joseph E. Nyre, on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet, on June 23, 2020.

Effective Date

August 8th, 2019

Ratified by Board: August 27, 2019 Next amended: June 23, 2020