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Seton Hall University

Faculty Retreat Series 2024-2025

The Heart of the University Retreat Series is offered primarily for the faculty who, as the heart of the University, express its deepest convictions by their teaching. It is about the human heart as a place of encounter with God.

These retreats will give faculty and administrators of faith the opportunity for input and guided reflection. The spirit of the series is captured by the Latin "cor ad cor loquitur," heart speaks to heart, which was the motto of John Henry Newman, author of The Idea of a University. This year's retreat series is Mission Integration as Spiritual Paradigm. 

  1. Mission Integration and Human Nature: Embracing Redemption in Catholic Education
  2. Mission Integration and the Disciplines: The Thread That Ties It All Together
  3. Mission Integration and Community: The Power for Fostering Authenticity
  4. Mission Integration and Self-Transcendence: Desire, Willingness and Grace

The Faculty Retreat Series includes the following directors and dates, all held from 9 to 11 a.m.

Faculty Retreat Directors
Rev. Gerald Buonopane Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Dr. Nancy Enright Thursday, November 14, 2024
Dr. Doreen Stiskal   Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Dr. Jonathan Heaps Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Sponsored by: The Office of Mission and Ministry, and the Center for Vocation and Servant Leadership.