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Stillman School of Business
market research

Partner with the Market Research Center

Want to learn more about how your organization can partner with the Seton Hall University - Market Research Center?

The Center offers market research and business consulting projects that pair student teams with businesses to tackle specific challenges in semester-long projects. Your business will gain invaluable insights and actionable recommendations to drive results.

Why Work With Us?

  • Win/Win: Your business learns more about it's customers and challenges while helping students gain hands-on experience.
  • Value: Similar commercial projects cost approximately $30,000. Market Research Center projects offer outstanding value at only $3,000 and are pro bono for non-profits.
  • Customizable: We've helped a wide variety of organizations address specific challenges, from start-ups to large companies and everything in-between.

Project Impact

Market Research Projects

MBA Business Consulting Projects

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