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College of Arts and Sciences

Psychology Department Policy on Academic Honesty

I. Statement – The Department of Psychology will not tolerate any form of academic dishonesty. Infractions will be appropriately penalized; students should understand that suspension or expulsion from the University is a possible result.

II. Definitions – "Academic dishonesty" shall be understood to encompass at least the following:

Cheating – whether on tests or on other course assignments, whether by the giving, receiving or taking of information. Additionally, turning in the same paper for two different assignments is cheating.

Plagiarism – stealing and/or passing off as one's own the ideas or words of another; using without crediting the source. Includes (1) copying of text/research/assignments; (2) using someone else's papers/research/assignments without permission and citation; (3) representing as one's own work what is really the work of another person. This includes downloading from web sources. Students are responsible for understanding proper crediting procedures; unintentional plagiarism is still academic dishonesty.

III. Penalties

  1.  A student determined to be cheating on any test or who plagiarizes on a course assignment will be appropriately penalized at the discretion of the instructor. This may include receiving a zero on the assignment or "F" for the course.
  2. Notice that a student has cheated or plagiarized will be sent to the department of the student's major. In the case of a serious violations of academic integrity (as defined by the instructor), the instructor will notify the Chair who may notify the Dean. This can result in a recommendation to the Dean for suspension or expulsion from the university.
  3. If the chair of the Psychology department finds that a student who has declared a major or minor in Psychology or is a graduate student in Psychology has been found to have committed acts of academic dishonesty in more than one Psychology course, the student is expelled from the Psychology program after due notice of the discovery. After one year, the department may rescind the expulsion upon the application of the student provided the student evinces a genuine, informed, and vigorous commitment to academic integrity to the satisfaction of the department's Academic Integrity Committee.
  4.  All department or instructor actions resulting from suspected violations of this policy will be taken in accordance with the student's due process rights. Nothing in this policy statement shall be construed to preclude the department from taking appropriate disciplinary action against forms of academic dishonesty not stipulated here.