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Seton Hall University
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Leadership Programs

Please note that some of these training opportunities have passed. New opportunities for 2023 will be available soon.

Student Leadership Conference

The annual Student Leadership Conference is a unique professional experience open to all Seton Hall University Students. Here, students will be able to develop and learn essential leadership skills that can benefit them in both the personal and professional worlds. Our office works in collaboration with campus stakeholders and professionals within various fields to bring experts to campus to help educate our students on the latest best practices in leadership. Space is limited, so be sure to register early- Registration will remain open until October 10th, 2018. To learn more about the Student Leadership Conference feel free to visit its Student Leadership Conference here »

The Student Leadership Conference will be held on Saturday, October 13th, 2018. Pre-Conference events will take place on Friday, October 12th, 2018.

Organizational Leadership Program

This is a flexible, workshop based program that aims to develop participant's leadership skills as it pertains to their role in an organization (student or professional). The program is open to all students, regardless of campus involvement, and can be completed in as little as one semester or as long as two years. Students will attend 3 core workshops and 3 elective workshops which will each be offered multiple times per year to allow for maximum flexibility. Register for this program here »

All workshops will be held in the Faculty Lounge on the 2nd Floor of the University Center.

Emerging Greek Leaders (EGL)

The EGL program is for any sophomore or junior in a fraternity or sorority that is interested in developing their personal leadership style while aligning themselves with values set forth by the Seton Hall Greek community. This program is peer discussion based and covers a variety of topics and skills viewed through a fraternity and sorority lens.

Associated Competencies: Other Perspectives, Idea Generation, Vision, Self Understanding, Personal Values, Collaboration, Helping Other's, Empathy, Ethics, Responsibility for Personal Behavior, Responding to Change, Confidence, Excellence, Others' Circumstances, Service, Social Responsibility

Specialized Trainings

Career Center Programming and Partnering for Student Organizations

The Career Center has partnered with the Office of Leadership Development to present to student organizations on a wide variety of career related topics. The Career Center is also interested in partnering or co-sponsoring career related programs or events hosted by a student organization. For a list of topics and to get more information, feel free to email [email protected]- Request a Career Center Workshop here »

Student Government Association (SGA) Training

All elected members of Student Government are required to attend a two day training program before the Fall semester begins. At this training, students will learn how to develop initiatives and create impact on campus while developing their own leadership competencies and skills.

Associated Competencies: Diversity, Inclusion, Scope of Competence, Research, Idea Generation, Goals, Plan, Vision, Providing Feedback, Positive Attitude

Greek Leadership Training

The Greek Leadership training involves chapter Presidents and council leadership in a day long program focused on values alignment, goal setting and community excellence.

Associated Competencies: Mission, Vision, Goals, Plan, Organization, Creating Change, Ethics, Verbal Communication, Listening, Excellence, Personal Values, Collaboration

Multicultural Advisory Committee (MAC) Training

MAC Executive Board members train for their positions at the beginning of each year. At this day long training, MAC members discuss the MAC mission, the development of the organization, the fluidity of role development and inevitable changes in a growing organization. Students will develop goals for the year and engage in overall topical planning for programs and special events.

Associated Competencies: Idea Generation, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Initiative, Responding to Ambiguity, Responding to Change, Functioning Independently, Diversity, Inclusion, Social Justice, Service, Scope of Competence, Mission, Vision, Goals, Planning, Organization

Student Organization Training

Presidents and those responsible for finance, fundraising, events, and marketing from existing and newly established student organizations are required to attend student organization training to prepare them for their roles. Topics include building their membership, planning their programs and events, and ensuring their compliance with University policies and procedures.

Associated Competencies: Decision Making, Scope of Competence, Plan, Organization, Goals, Organizational Behavior, Collaboration, Idea Generation, Problem Solving

Greek New Member Education

All new members of Greek organizations are required to attend workshops on campus during their 6 week membership education process. New Members will learn what they can expect from their Greek experience. Topics include an introduction to the community, hazing prevention, and alcohol and other drug education.  

Associated Competencies: Self Understanding, Personal Values, Empowerment, Follow Through, Responsibility for Personal Behavior, Empathy, Group Development, Creating Change