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Seton Hall University

Policies, University Standards & Conduct Expectations

Academic Responsibility

Students are expected to meet course requirements and faculty expectations for academic progress regardless of student organization commitments. Participation in student organization activities does not guarantee exceptions to academic requirements, exam dates, assignment deadlines, attendance policies, and other course requirements. Executive board members must be in good judicial standing with the University during their term.

Alcohol Policy

Student Organizations planning events where alcohol will be present must do so in compliance with University, local, and state law. The Student Organization must complete the Off Campus Event Registration Form with all required information at least two (2) weeks prior to the event.

The following regulations apply:
Events where alcohol will be present:

  • Must be at a third-party establishment that is properly licensed to sell alcohol.
  • Must be cash only sales per patron (no group sales).
  • May not involve open bar.
  • May not involve the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages by the Student Organization, including but not limited to the sale of tickets, t-shirts, or cups required for entry into an event or traded for alcoholic beverages.
  • Must include the availability of food and non-alcoholic beverages the entire time of the event.
  • May not be used as a fundraising event for the Student Organization.

Student organizations are responsible for:

  • Providing transportation to the event for guests if the event is outside of the Seton Hall Shuttle or SHU Ride Zone.
  • Appointing Sober Monitors at a rate of two (2) plus one (1) for every for every 20 attendees at the event.
  • Abiding by the policies of the Organization’s applicable national Headquarters and FIPG Policy where applicable.
  • Assuring no alcohol is present at any recruitment or membership education event, including but not limited to Bid Day and Initiation celebrations.
  • Meeting with Assistant Director of Leadership Development and/or the Associate Director of Student Life to review guidelines and expectations at least one (1) week prior to the event.

Failure by the Student Organization to abide by all of the above will result in referral for disciplinary consideration/action.

Advertising, Publicity and Posting Procedure

It is the responsibility of each group to properly publicize its activities. Publicity should include all information concerning particulars of the event, including what the event is, when and where it will be held, who is sponsoring it and any associated cost.

On-campus publicity for student events must be distributed in accordance with individual building policies. Posting is prohibited on the University Green. Policies and regulations regarding the posting and use of advertisements on the campus are available through the Department of Student Life. Posting regulations for residence halls are available in the Department of Housing and Residence Life.

  • College of Nursing: The bulletin board marked "Student Activities" located on the first floor may be used for  posters and flyers. Materials placed on walls, doors or other bulletin boards will be removed.
  • Fahy Hall: Groups must have their materials approved and stamped by the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Room 118, before posting on public bulletin boards. Promotional materials on walls, doors and windows will be removed.
  • Walsh Library: All material must be approved by the dean of the library. No posting on library doors is allowed.
  • University Housing: All flyers, posters, etc., must be approved for distribution and/or posting and stamped by the administrative assistant or the residence hall director of each building. Information is to be posted on approved bulletin boards, not on painted or glass surfaces. Stuffing mailboxes or sliding materials under doors is prohibited.
  • Arts and Sciences Hall: Flyers and posters may be posted on bulletin boards. Materials may not be posted on walls, doors or in restrooms.
  • Bishop Dougherty University Center: All materials must be approved and stamped by the Department of Student Life. These materials will be  displayed on bulletin boards throughout the Bishop Dougherty University Center by University Center employees. Flyers may not be posted on painted surfaces, glass or walls. The University Center is able to approve three flyers or one large poster per event.


  • Only groups who have received approval for their events may chalk about them.
  • Groups are not permitted to chalk under awnings or any covered area. This is so that when it rains the chalk is able to be washed away easily.
  • Only washable street chalk may be used for this purpose.


Student organizations may not broadcast or send unsolicited messages. The University encourages the use of managed organizations (such as Canvas) for general communications. Individual users may not send information except to recipients they reasonably expect to welcome such communications and are expected to honor requests from recipients not to receive further communications.


All student organizations must have faculty, administrator, staff, or graduate assistants as advisors to help, guide, and counsel the organization. The advisor can assist the organization by providing expertise on a particular subject or management advice relating to organizational affairs. Advisors are encouraged to offer constructive criticism and guidance without domination. Most importantly, the student organization should be led and managed by current students. Advisors must be full-time faculty, administrators, staff, or graduate assistants.


Organizations are not allowed to have any animals on campus for any event without written permission from the Office of Student Life.

Chaperone Policy

All off-campus events require a chaperone who is a full-time faculty member, administrator, staff member or graduate assistant of the University, and who has agreed to accompany the organization to the event. The chaperone form must be submitted two weeks before the event or trip unless an exception to this deadline is granted. Organizations may be granted a waiver from the Chaperone requirement under certain circumstances and on a case by case review. Requests for the waiver must be made two weeks before the event or trip in order to be considered unless an exception to this deadline is granted. The request is made the Chaperone Waiver Request Form. The decision of the Department of Student Life is final.

To request a waiver, organizations must identify two Responsible Students who would serve as a point of contact for the group. They must be full time, Seton Hall students and at least 18 years old. The responsible student is charged with:

  • Serving as a resource to the group.
  • Being the point of contact between the group and University officials as needed.
  • Be familiar with all University rules and regulations that both individuals and groups must adhere to.
  • Be the point of contact between the group and University Officials, as needed.
  • Encourage that the behavior of participants is consistent with the University's Catholic Mission. 
  • Review all trip publicity and itineraries prior to the trip and discuss any concerns with the organization or the Student Life Administrative Advisor.
  • Send a list of participants to the Student Life Administrative Advisor and ensure that each student fills out the University Trip Waiver form 5 business days before the event/trip is scheduled to begin.
  • Check student ID's prior to departure to ensure they match the participant list.
  • Ensure all participants are aware of travel details and trip itinerary.
  • Remain with the group at the destination for the duration of the trip.

The waiver request must also specify why the waiver is warranted. Such circumstances may be:

  • Travel to a conference sponsored by the organization’s governing body (i.e. National Conventions)
  • Travel to a competition where the group is representing the University (i.e. Mock Trial Competitions, performance events etc.)
  • Travel to a professional development or academic conference or workshop.
  • Day trips with less than 15 students attending.

NOTE: A waiver is granted for one trip/event only. Additional waivers for other trips/events must be requested individually. A previous waiver granted does not assure that future waiver requests will be granted. You will receive a response indicating approval or denial of your request within 2 business days.

Conduct Process (for Student Organizations)

All student organizations are required to abide by University policies, including all rules and regulations, as stated in the Student Code of Conduct, the Student Organization Handbook, and other policies published by Seton Hall University.

As stated in the Student Code of Conduct, the Scope of the University's Code of Conduct for Student Organizations shall apply to conduct that occurs on University premises, at University sponsored activities and to off-campus conduct that adversely affects the University Community.

Levels and Procedures of the Student Organization Conduct Process

There are two levels of the Student Organization Conduct Process:

The first level is for cases that are generally first-time violations of policy and/or less severe in nature. A representative of the Office of Student Engagement will meet with the organization in an educational dialogue to discuss the matter. Sanctions issued may include educational sanctions, restitution, loss of privileges, and/or warning.

The second level is for cases that are more serious in nature and/or when there have been repeated violations of policy. These reports are referred to the Dean of Students (or designee) for formal Student Organization Conduct Review as follows.

Student Organization Conduct Review Process

The Student Code of Conduct ( ) applies to all University recognized Greek-affiliated organizations, student clubs and organizations.  This policy elaborates on processes that apply to Organizations that are alleged to have violated University policy.  As noted in the Student Code of Conduct, this policy applies to behavior that occurs on or off campus.  


Notification and Investigation

  • Notification of any alleged violation is submitted to the Dean of Students Office.
  • The investigation will be conducted by Public Safety and/or a Dean’s Students Office representative. The investigation will consist of interviews, collection of evidence, etc. Such investigation may occur simultaneously with any police investigation into the same matter.
  • The final investigative report is submitted to the Dean of Students.

Interim Measures
Interim measures may be taken pending the investigation and adjudication of the matter.  Such measures may limit the actions of the Organization up to and including suspension of all activity.

Individual Student Conduct
If there are alleged violations of individual student conduct, these will normally be adjudicated prior to any Organization adjudication.

Organization Conduct Review Process

Review Panel

The Review Panel will consist of the Dean of Students, two administrators appointed by the Dean of Students and four students.  The Dean of Students is a non-voting member except in matters of a tie vote on the panel. 

The four students are assigned as follows.  For matters involving a Greek organization(s), the student representatives will consist of two members from the accused Organization’s governing council (College Panhellenic Council, Inter-Fraternity Council, United Greek Council) and two members from the Greek Municipal Assembly.  For matters involving a student club or organization, the student representatives will be Senators appointed by Student Government Association.  

In all cases, the administrators may not be an advisor to, past or present, the accused Organization.  The students may not be a member of, past or present, the accused Organization.

Conduct Review Meeting

  1. In advance of the Conduct Review Meeting, the Organization’s leadership (Executive Officer’s and Advisor) are provided a summary of the investigative report.  The full investigative report cannot be provided as it is likely to contain protected/private student information.  Based upon this report, the Organization is advised what University policy(ies) - per the Student Code of Conduct – it may have violated.
  2. The purpose of the Conduct Review Meeting is for the Conduct Review Panel to understand the Organization’s perspective on the matter.  The Panel will have already had reviewed the full Investigative Report.  
  3. The Conduct Review Meeting is meant to be as much of a dialogue as possible, but there is an order as follows:
    • Statement by the Organization if it is or is not responsible for violation of the stated policies.
    • Opening statement by the Organization.
    • Questions by the Panel.
    • Closing statement by the Organization.
  4. The Conduct Review Panel will excuse the Organization and make its determination in closed session.  Determination is by majority vote. The Panel must first determine if the Organization is or is not responsible for violation of the stated policy(ies).  If the Panel determines the Organization is not responsible, the matter is closed.  If the Panel determines the Organization is responsible, they move on to decide sanction.  Sanction determination is based upon 1) the seriousness of the violation, 2) any current sanction affecting the Organization, and 3) consistency with prior similar decisions. The Conduct Review Panel’s decision is a recommendation to the Dean of Students who has the final authority to accept the Panel’s decision or to refer it back for further review to the same Panel or to a new Panel if necessary.

If applicable, the determination of responsibility and resulting sanction will be sent in writing to the organization's leadership and any other relevant parties, including but not limited to the faculty adviser, national office, etc. In the event that an organization’s sanction is a loss of recognition, SGA or the appropriate governing council will also be notified.

Possible Sanctions

  • Educational Sanction: requirements of the organization and its membership to participate in a specified educational experience.
  • Restitution: compensation for loss, damage, or injury by the organization's misconduct or violation. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.)
  • Loss of Privileges: loss of specified privileges extended to student organizations for a specified period of time.
  • Warning: official notice that a violation has occurred and any subsequent misconduct will result in more severe disciplinary sanction.
  • Probation: official notice that a violation has occurred and any subsequent misconduct during the probationary period will result in, at least, suspension of the organization. Probation normally includes additional sanctions or requirements to be met before the end of the probationary period.
  • Suspension of Recognition: loss of all rights and privileges for a specified period of time. During the time of Suspension, the organization is not permitted to operate, program, recruit, meet or in any way function as a recognized organization.
  • Permanent Loss of Recognition: permanent removal of recognition, including loss of all rights and privileges. The organization is not permitted to reconstitute in the future.

Note: Individual members of an organization, based upon their individual misconduct or violation, may be referred for disciplinary action through the Student Conduct process. Acting as a member of an organization does not excuse a student from individual accountability.

Conflict of Interest

Student organizations are expected to avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest because it can lead to financial mismanagement of University resources. Student organization leaders may not receive any direct personal benefits or gains from the student organization’s allocated funds.


Student organization representatives should never commit to an arrangement with a performer or vendor, either verbally or in writing, until they can verify that they have sufficient funds to cover all expenses and that the event has been approved by the Leadership Development office. No student may ever sign a contract themselves. Contracts must be issued by Seton Hall and signed by the Vice President of Student Services.

Films, Documentaries, Screenings

Student organizations wanting to host events that involve films, documentaries, or movie screenings, must get screening rights or a public performance license from the company. The US Copyright Act governs how copyrighted materials, such as films, may be used. Under copyright law, a copyright owner has the exclusive right to publicly display his/her work. Thus, you must have the proper copyright authorization in order to publicly display a film as an event. Generally, these permissions are obtained through the film’s website, the distribution company, or the production company. The University will not be responsible for any liabilities involving filming and screening rights. Student organizations will be responsible and kept accountable to obtain these rights and permissions.

When you need permission to show a film, documentary, or movie:

  • If the event is being held in a public University space such as a lounge or common area
  • If the event used publicity to invite the audience to the showing (this includes but is not limited to mass e-mails, flyers, web postings, and letters)
  • If the event is charging admission for the showing or an event in conjunction with the showing

There are several ways to obtain the screening rights for films and movies:

  • SWANK Motion Pictures, Incorporated. (; 1-800-876-5577)
  • Criterion (; 1-800-890-9494)
  • Conduct a web search of the film company or distribution company.


Fundraising is the collection of money through donations, sales, and/or programming events to provide financial support for the student organization. All fundraising event requests must first be submitted and approved by the Office of Leadership Development through 25Live. All funds raised must be deposited into the organization’s account through the Leadership Development office within 24 hours of the event.

Green Space and Tabling

The Green can be reserved for certain events and programs. The space must be reserved and approved through 25Live. Organizations are responsible for any damages and clean-up costs accrued from their activities and events.

After receiving confirmation for the Green tabling reservation through 25Live, organizations are responsible for obtaining their own tables. Tables can be reserved and checked out through the Office of Leadership Development. Tables are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis and organizations will be assessed a $50 fee if they are not returned or are damaged.


“Hazing” refers to any activity expected of someone joining a group (or to maintain full status in a group) that humiliates, degrades or risks emotional and/or physical harm, regardless of the person's willingness to participate, and regardless of the intention. Hazing is contrary to the principles upon which the University community is built. Seton Hall, therefore, prohibits hazing as a requirement for admission or to maintain membership in an organization or athletic activity.

The University’s Student Code of Conduct statement on hazing:

Hazing, defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of an individual, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim does not waive responsibility for any participant. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they are violations of this Code.

For more information about hazing, please click here.

Local Autonomy

Student organizations may have affiliations with long-standing regional and national organizations and occasionally off-campus sponsors. However, as recognized student organizations, all decision-making control must reside locally. The University expects student organizations to make decisions that are in the best interests of the University and its students and be locally autonomous.

Membership and Nondiscrimination Policy

No person may be denied employment or related benefits, or admission to the University or any of its programs or activities, either academic or nonacademic, curricular or extracurricular, because of race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, gender, pregnancy, marital status, domestic partnership or civil union status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identify and/or expression, handicap and disability, atypical heredity cellular or blood trait, AIDS or HIV status, genetic information, service in the Armed Forces of the United States, or status as a disabled veteran or as a veteran of the Vietnam era.


Alleged misconduct and violations of University policies are subject to judicial review with the Dean of Students Office. Examples of misconduct include but are not limited to:

  • Hazing
  • Providing alcohol to minors
  • Financial mismanagement
  • Violation of events planning protocol
  • Theft and vandalism of University property
  • Assault
  • Campus disruptions
  • Violation of any University policy

Off-Campus Events: Travel, Transportation, and Chaperoning

When a student organization plans to host or attend an off campus event, the following must first occur.

  • Registration | Any organization hosting an off campus event must register their event using the Off Campus Event Registration Form.
  • Chaperone Form | All off-campus events require a chaperone that is a full-time faculty member, administrator or graduate assistant of the University that has agreed to accompany the organization at the event. The chaperone form should be submitted two weeks before the event or trip, when possible. Please see the policy above for details on applying for a waiver to this requirement.
  • Liability Waiver | An online liability waiver must be electronically completed by every person going on the trip two weeks before the date of the event.
  • Fund Verification | All Student Government recognized organizations must have sufficient funds in its on campus account at the time of the purchase to afford all costs of the event/trip. If organization members are putting money towards the trip, they must deposit it into the organization’s account before any payment will be made by the University

Performers and Speaker Vetting

All performers or guest speakers are to be approved through the Office of the Dean of Students. Before confirming any guest for a campus event, please consult with and get an initial approval from the Office of Leadership Development. Furthermore, when choosing speakers, be mindful of the University’s mission and values. As an educational and tax-exempt institution, Seton Hall University encourages expression of political views and guest speakers for political engagement, but does not endorse or sponsor political candidates. Thus, political activities such as on-campus soliciting of funds for political candidates and payment of fees to candidates are prohibited.

Student Protest Guidelines and Resources

Student Protests and Demonstrations can be an effective way to have your voice heard, make an impact for change, and bring attention to an important issue or cause.  Student protests have been part of campus life for decades.  The open exchange of ideas, critical thought, and civil discourse make for a vibrant campus where all can learn. The following guidelines and resources are provided to help students plan safe and effective campus protests.

Before You Decide to Protest
Educate yourself on the issue – Reach out to others.  Read, research, listen and learn. Write out your goal/objectives for the protest.  Be clear about what you hope to achieve. Consider if a protest is the best way to accomplish your purpose or to build support for a cause.  Would these other methods be more effective?

  • Starting a petition
  • Bringing a speaker to campus
  • Building a social media campaign
  • Meeting with University officials
  • Meeting with local or state officials
  • Donating to related causes
  • Voting in local, state, and national elections and getting others to do the same

Once You Decide to Protest
Be clear on your purpose.  Get advice from your organization adviser.  Think through your objectives and be able to articulate them clearly. Be familiar with University policy and regulations.  Meet with the Dean of Students to discuss your preliminary plans so that you know your different options and are aware of limitations in advance. Begin to develop a detailed plan – again, get advice from your adviser.  Things to consider:

After the Protest

  • Check in with attendees and participants.  Reflect on the event.
  • Do a debrief with protest leaders/organizers.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the protest with your organization adviser.

What to Expect from the University
The University will provide you with the following:

  • Opportunity for a peaceful, non-obstructive, respectful demonstration.
  • Support from the Dean of Students Office, particularly in terms of information and resources regarding University policy and regulations, to help assure that the Protest meets University guidelines.
  • Security at the protest to help prevent interference with the Protest and to monitor adherence to University policy.
  • To attend to the safety of participants and those nearby.
  • Accountability towards anyone and any organization that does not abide by the Student Protest Policy and associated University policies.

The University will not permit Protests that:

  • Interfere with normal University operations due to noise, blocking vehicular or pedestrian traffic, interruption of normal operations, etc.
  • Have not been approved by the Dean of Students Office.
  • Fail to abide by the Student Protest Policy and associated University policies.
  • Are not peaceful or respectful.
  • Are deemed unsafe for participants or those nearby.

Social Media Use

Clubs and organizations are encouraged to utilize social media as a vehicle to advance events, activities, programs, and exposure to the community. However, these social media accounts are expected to behave in a manner that is appropriate in accordance to University standards. Due to their positions, roles, and responsibilities, executive board members are also expected to serve as ambassadors to the University’s brand and to use social media in a manner that is reflective of University standards and expectations.


We encourage sponsorships and partnerships with affiliations of off-campus organizations that are consistent with and supportive of the University’s mission. However, student organizations must initiate, lead, and manage the event plans throughout the whole process. Off-campus organizations cannot use student organizations to gain access to University venue spaces and facilities. All sponsorships are subject to review by the Leadership Development office.

Guidelines for Use of Logos and Branding by Student Organizations

Student organizations formally sponsored by a department or division may request a logo in accordance with the Seton Hall Brand Identity Guidelines and must be approved by the Division of University Relations. Student organizations should use the University logo in accordance with these overall guidelines, including not changing or altering the logo in any way. Student organizations may not use athletics logos (including the Pirate) without written permission from the Department of Athletics and Recreational Services. They can be contacted at: [email protected] or (973) 761-9498.

  • Identification with Seton Hall requires clubs to be student-organizations and the identity of the club cannot interfere with the institution's mission.
  • Only registered and officially recognized groups can use "Seton Hall" in club or organization name, the club's name must come first (ex. Young Democrats at Seton Hall, not Seton Hall Young Democrats).
  • Logos must follow all Seton Hall brand guidelines and must be approved by University Relations.
  • Names should clearly indicate that it is a student club/organization
  • Any online presence of clubs must indicate that the club is a "student organization at Seton Hall University"
  • As a member of the Seton Hall University community, student-organizations are required to abide by all existing University Policies and Regulations, including the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation, Policy Against Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment and Retaliation, Employee Handbook, Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct and Title IX, as well as the Policies and Regulations established by the Division of Student Services.
  • Must include disclaimer: "This group is a registered student organization, and its views does not necessarily represent the opinions and beliefs of Seton Hall University" on all social media/digital platforms.

Value of Individual Dignity for Student Organization Programs

Every individual has worth and dignity

Human life is sacred, and every person is made in the image of God. Whatever insults the human dignity of any member of our community is harmful to our mission and community. When planning programs, student organizations should ask "How does this program affirm and uplift the worth and dignity of the individuals?" Programs that promote the objectification of human beings (i.e. pageants, sweetheart competition, etc.) will not be approved.

Because our campus values equality and diversity, no individual or group may be auctioned for "services" or a "date." Auctioning individuals or groups places a "value" on a person or group that mimics a tragic time in history when slaves were auctioned. In addition, date auctions can perpetuate a dangerous attitude of entitlement by the purchaser. The sponsor of these types of auctions has no way of knowing the motivations of the person doing the bidding.

Groups may utilize an auction to raise money by auctioning items such as art, tickets to an event, dinner at a particular restaurant, or prizes and services provided by a qualified and insured vendor.

Effective – 7/19

Raffles, 50/50, and/or Games of Chance Gambling, 50/50, Raffles, Etc

*adopted from Stockton University

The State of New Jersey recognizes Raffles, 50/50, Bingo, and any other Games of chance as lawful activities and must be licensed through the State beforehand. Because of this, we've been asking organizations, including Fraternities & Sororities, to cease all raffles, betting pools, 50/50 events for fundraising.

We are currently looking to find a way for groups to purchase ($100 nonrefundable fee) the registration certificate and become licensed for 2 years through the New Jersey Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission. To learn more:

Activities covered under this law, and therefore require a state registration include:

  • Raffles: raising money by selling numbered tickets, one or some of which are subsequently drawn at random, the holder or holders of such tickets winning a prize
  • 50/50: a raffle lottery in which the prize is one-half the value of all tickets sold during the event. A ticket stub with a serial number corresponding to a sold ticket is placed in a container for the purpose of a draw
  • Bingo: bingo itself may be played as long as there are no financial transactions taking place to play

Activities not covered under this state law, and are allowed without state registration includes:

  • Door prizes: all attendees have an equal chance of winning an item based on each attendee receiving the same amount of tickets at entry
  • Silent auctions: attendees bid on an item and the highest bidder purchases the item