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Outcomes for B.A., Catholic Theology - Seton Hall University

Outcomes for B.A., Catholic Theology

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Rational Bases: Explain the rational bases (preambles) of the Catholic faith.

2. Realist Critical Thinking: Identify the characteristics and advantages of realist critical thinking, in opposition to relativism and skepticism.

3. Human Freedom: Identify human freedom as a good that is dependent on an openness to truth.

4. Complementarity of Faith and Reason: Express the mutual complementarity of faith and reason.

5. Theological Content Knowledge: Demonstrate retention of principal content knowledge in the theological areas of: 

  • Catholic Doctrine
  • Scripture
  • Liturgy
  • Morality
  • Spirituality

6. Recognition and Use of Faith and Reason: Demonstrate an ability to recognize the distinct, yet complementary, contributions of faith and reason to Catholic theological thinking, and the ability to integrate faith and reason in any presentation of Catholic teaching.

By the Numbers

  •  Undergraduate Theology and Philosophical Theology courses include students from 3 seminaries, 3 religious orders, and lay students.
  • 100% of reporting graduating students agreed that our B.A. program in Catholic Theology gave them a solid foundation in the teachings of the Catholic Church.
  • 100% of reporting graduating students agreed that they finished our B.A. program in Catholic Theology prepared for future ministry, further theological education, or work pertaining to Catholic theology.
  •  100% of reporting graduating students agreed that our B.A. program in Catholic Theology helped them to integrate faith and reason in their own presentations of Catholic teaching.