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Graduate Programs

  • M.A., Theology

    The Master of Arts in Theology program offers students a substantial academic background in specific theological disciplines. ICSST offers the M.A. in Theology in two formats: general and research. The general M.A. is for students seeking a terminal degree in Theology that allows them to pursue in-depth studies without a formal research component. The general M.A. is well-suited for persons teaching at the secondary school level. The research M.A. serves as the basis for further graduate studies and includes language reading and research requirements usually deemed prerequisites to doctoral studies.

    Learn more about the M.A. in Theology »

  • M.A., Theology for Permanent Diaconate Candidates (Online)

    Available to permanent diaconate candidates, the online delivery option for the M.A. in Theology provides complete and robust theological education for deacon candidates who receive approval by their bishop to participate in a learning cohort. The 12-course, 36-credit graduate degree, along with four additional specialized diaconate courses, addresses the intellectual norms established in the National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

    Learn more about the online M.A. in Theology for deacon candidates »

  • M.A., Pastoral Ministry (M.A.P.M.)

    The Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry program prepares students for competent leadership in a specialized ministry in the Catholic Church. The program strives to provide the student with both a theological education and specialized training in a chosen field of ministerial engagement.

    Learn more about the M.A. in Pastoral Ministry »

  • Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

    The Master of Divinity program is the main professional degree program providing theological training for those preparing to undertake ministry in the Roman Catholic Church, primarily through ordination to the priesthood. The Academic Program for Priesthood Candidates is the prescribed curriculum for all seminarians seeking ordination. The program meets all the requirements of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Program of Priestly Formation (Sixth Edition, 2022). The M.Div. degree program is normally four academic years of full-time study for students who have completed all prerequisite courses. The M.Div. degree program is normally six academic years of full-time study for students who must complete prerequisite courses. In particular and exceptional cases, with the approval of the Rector/Dean, qualified students who are not seeking ordination are admitted to the M.Div. program.

    Learn more about the Master of Divinity »

  • Joint M.A./M.Div.

    In the course of complying with the Academic Program for Priesthood Candidates, a student meets all requirements for the M.Div. degree. Because there are "surplus" credits in the Academic Program for Priesthood Candidates beyond what is applied toward the M.Div., a student may apply these additional credits toward the M.A. in Theology, either in the research or general format.
    Learn more about the Joint M.A./M.Div. »

  • Pre-Theology Program

    The Pre-Theology program is designed for students preparing for priestly ordination who possess an undergraduate bachelor's degree or equivalent, but who do not have sufficient preparation in Philosophy and Theology. The Pre-Theology program provides a sequence of courses that satisfies all the preparatory requirements for admission to major seminary study in accordance with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Program of Priestly Formation (Sixth Edition, 2022).

    Learn more about the Pre-Theology Program »

Certificate Programs

An ICSST certificate program allows students to finish a discrete program of learning and obtain a credential for it. Other students may use a certificate program as a way of "testing the waters" prior to and/or en route to completion of a degree program. A certificate can be earned concurrently with a degree. Currently, ICSST offers the following certificates: