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Father John with Students

Undergraduate Programs

B.A., Catholic Theology

The Bachelor of Arts in Catholic Theology enables a student to engage his or her world from a rich theological and spiritual perspective that enhances any career or vocational path. Students participating in the program experience the profound intellectual heritage of Catholicism as a living faith that has laid the foundations for much of world civilization and that provides compelling spiritual and moral perspectives and guidelines for the modern age.

The program follows two basic directions of study. The first of these program options is designed to satisfy all undergraduate education requirements for religious order and college seminarians preparing for priesthood formation at the major seminary level following graduation. The content of this course of study explores intensely the interaction of faith and reason at the root of Catholic thought, and follows the academic requirements stipulated by the Program of Priestly Formation (Sixth Edition, 2022) mandated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in June 2022. This option is open to any student; however, it is mandatory for all undergraduate seminarians. The second program option allows a student to pursue a more focused study in particular fields of theology: Sacred Scripture, Moral Theology, Spiritual Theology and Systematic Theology.

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Minor in Catholic Theology

A minor in Catholic theology is also offered through Seton Hall University. Students who wish to pursue another major and also wish to enhance their knowledge of the Catholic faith may take an additional 18 credits (six courses) of Catholic theology to satisfy the minor requirements.

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