Center for Diaconal Formation Celebrates 10 Years with Virtual Event - Seton Hall University
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
The 7:30 p.m. celebration will honor the Center for its 10 years of service to the Archdiocese of Newark and the Dioceses of Metuchen, Paterson and Trenton, and the 110 men who have completed their formation and been ordained as well as the 55 men currently in formation. Registration for this event is free. Click here to register.
Inspiring personal remarks and testimonials from alumni deacons, their wives, priests, seminary faculty and seminarians from throughout the state of New Jersey are slated to round out the initial event. Deacon Peter Barcellona '15 from the Diocese of Metuchen is just one of many extraordinary graduates of the Center. He has a ministry of feeding those who are food insecure in his town of Woodbridge through a network of 11 food pantries. In his spare time, Deacon Peter travels across the world as global fellow ambassador for Catholic Relief Services assisting those in need, preaching and teaching about his experiences in his home diocese and across the United States.
The year-long 10th anniversary celebration will conclude with a talk by world-renowned spiritual writer Fr. Jacques Philippe in the spring of 2021, followed by a summer barbeque for deacons and their wives.
"Since our inception, we have been blessed to welcome a number of deacon candidates and their wives from the Dioceses of Paterson, Metuchen, Trenton and the Archdiocese of Newark in their journey towards the diaconate. It has been an exciting 10 years with many accomplishments, but we are even more enthused as we look forward to the future of the Center for Diaconal Formation and diaconal ministry in our local and universal Church," said Deacon Andrew Saunders, director of the Center for Diaconal Formation.
Housed in Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology on the Seton Hall campus, the Center welcomes men for studies to the Permanent Diaconate in the Archdiocese of Newark and the surrounding dioceses. Deacon candidates take advantage of the teaching and support resources of the highly regarded faculty of the seminary, one of the largest theological faculties in the country.
About Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology
Immaculate Conception Seminary is a House of Formation for the Roman Catholic priesthood and the School of Theology of Seton Hall University.
As a House of Formation, the Seminary offers men preparing for the priesthood the personal, academic, ministerial and spiritual formation essential for their conversion to Jesus Christ and for their commitment to a life of service to the Church.
As a School of Theology, the Seminary provides: a theological and philosophical foundation for men and women pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies; a theological foundation and a pastoral and spiritual formation for men and women preparing for ministries among the people of God; a theological foundation for men and women desiring to pursue doctoral studies; and varied opportunities for continuing theological education.
Categories: Faith and Service