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Collaboration with The Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas, Rome, Italy

Since 2018, ICSST has partnered with The Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas, which is internationally recognized for its promotion of the lay vocation and collaborative leadership among Christians of diverse denominations. Our collaboration is focused on developing educational programs to strengthen the preparation for the ministry of lay catechist, a new ministry established by Pope Francis.

Our work entailed creating, promoting, organizing and delivering:

Graduate Courses

Donna OrsutoCatechesis in an Ecumenical and Global Context

Summer 2022
This graduate course was taught at ICSST by the Director of the Lay Centre, Donna Orsuto, S.T.D. and examined the strengths and weaknesses of diverse models of catechesis. Students were instructed to deeply reflect on how to promote this collaborative ministry in the United States.


"The Joy of Discovering and Communicating our New Life in Christ: Catechesis in the 21st Century"

Saturday, July 30, 2022
A catechetical conference was held on July 30, 2022 to promote the officially established ministry of lay catechist and provide an educational program to strengthen the support of ordained pastors through strategic collaboration with trained lay catechists.

Titled "The Joy of Discovering and Communicating our New Life in Christ: Catechesis in the 21st Century", the day included reflection, prayer, discussion and support, centered on the ministry of lay catechists. Led by Lay Centre leaders and ICSST faculty, it was attended by one hundred DREs and catechists, with 70 in-person and 30 online (from as far away as Mexico). It focused on promoting collaborative ministry and affirming lay evangelization in the United States, and it included a Q&A session after each talk. The retreat received both positive feedback and wide distribution of highlights through an article in the Fall 2022 edition of the newsletter of ICSST.

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Participants in the Footsteps of Saint Paul "Grace and Action: The Ministry of Catechists in the Footsteps of St. Paul"

July 16-21, 2023

An international seminar and pilgrimage, "Grace and Action: The Ministry of Catechists in the Footsteps of St. Paul" took place at the Vatican and in Rome, Italy from July 16 - 21, 2023 with presentations from global church leaders focused on sharing intellectual perspectives and pastoral experiences about this ministry. The week concluded with a two-day pilgrimage focusing on following in the steps of St. Paul.

Interesting in learning more? Find out more about the conference, view keynote sessions and watch interviews with conference participants. Take a look at our YouTube playlist »