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Our Diverse Student Body

ICSST benefits from a diverse student body, a third of whom are international, and recognizes the challenges that seminarians face as they leave family, friends, culture and language, to embrace the academic rigor and vocational discernment required to be successful in our programs.

  • A “Day in the Life” Video: Designed to excite, inspire, and de-mystify Seminary life and set expectations to reduce anxiety.  This video will demonstrate our family-like community environment through personal witness that supports spiritual and human dimensions, reinforce rigorous intellectual formation, and shows balanced day including prayer, mass, learning, fellowship and fun. View "Insights: A Day in the Life of A Seminarian" »

  • 4:12 Profiles in Faith: Our diverse student body includes priests, religious brothers and sisters, seminarians, and lay students. Their academic and personal journeys are being captured in ongoing video presentations, and will be shared in the coming months. View the Profiles in Faith series »